Archive For The “Odds & Ends” Category
I myself feel that our country, for whose Constitution I fought in a just war, might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened, though, is that it has been taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone Cops-style coup d’etat imaginable. – Kurt…
Just leave me some ammo, a little water, some chips if you have ’em. – Runt of the Litter On Apr. 8, 2020, in the chaotic early days of the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News host Laura Ingraham welcomed a little-known state senator onto her prime time show. With his unmistakable Minnesota accent and an aw-shucks bearing, Scott…
This article has been condensed, to eliminate the jargon and much of the ‘both-siderism’ lame stream media believes is necessary. I just want to put a face on the anti-democratic forces assaulting our duly elected government. Talking about the phony faithful grandmotherly façade fronting for the criminal cult plotting regime change at home. And I…
Fictions are necessary for the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance. In fact, what can there be in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The Truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their…
Hey, the same guy who thought that the 9/11 attack was a 7-Eleven attack. [Donald]’s talkin’ about dementia? All I can say to the American people is watch me, is see what I’ve done, is see what I’m gonna do. Look at me. Compare our physical and mental acuity. I’m happy to have that comparison….
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. – Friedrich Nietzsche What a Conservative Therapist Thinks About Politics and Mental Health By Meghan Daum. Ms. Daum is a podcast host and a writer. October 4, 2022. Partisanship and polarization are everywhere in America these days, from classrooms to board rooms. Americans…
“Words are the cars that drive things up.” I am sitting directly across the room from Sharon Doubiago. Blonde. Out the window rolling I can see sparkling Pacific Ocean waves. Blue. I sing a silent secret prayer to a giggling God for my eyes. Clear. So, anyway, I was at this event – late late…
Was in a department store waiting for my wife and I saw this grizzly-looking old dude giving me the stink eye and before I decided to start a fight, realized I’d seen that guy before. A mirror. Take a moment and ask yourself, why don’t they want us to know our history? Why don’t they want…
War is the greatest evil Satan has invented to corrupt our hearts and souls. We should honor our soldiers, but we should never honor war. – Dean Hughes One Veterans’ Day, I took my dogs to the vet. Bill came to $547.18. My monthly pay when I joined the USAF was $78. Oddly enough, a…
“We don’t create a fantasy world to escape reality, we create it to be able to stay.” Something about red-headed girls in glasses. Lynda Barry has always seemed to be a kindred spirit. Kindred as a little weird sister who brings you joy and I only wish I had her energetic sparkle. Do have so…