Archive For September 30, 2019

Can You Read Your Dog’s Mind?

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Can You Read Your Dog’s Mind?

Dogs are great. Bad dogs, if you can really call them that, are perhaps the greatest of them all. – John Grogan Can Humans Read Animals’ Minds? The Philosophical Problem of “Pet” Consciousness By Lars Svendsen Humans are good mind-readers. So good, in fact, that we even manage to read thoughts where there are no thoughts to…

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He Has Better Words

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He Has Better Words

This guy said what I want to say. He says it so much better. Chabon has a voice and a soap box. I am just here as his echo. – JDW What’s the Point? By Michael Chabon for the Paris Review As of spring 2020, I will be stepping down as Chairman of the MacDowell Colony’s Board…

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I Hear You Paint Houses

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I Hear You Paint Houses

Is adult amusement killing our children, or is killing our children amusing adults? –  Marilyn Manson I hear you ‘paint houses.’ It’s a mob expression for being a hitman, suggesting a willingness to do gory work. Wet work. I paint houses. Bloody brush strokes. Turns out if you are a famous writer, especially if you…

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Is my microphone on? Can you hear me?

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Is my microphone on? Can you hear me?

I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic… and act as if the house was on fire. – Greta Thunberg (And I don’t want your thoughts and prayers. Not enough. But that’s another topic, but then again, no, it’s not, you morons. Sorry, that was wrong…

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Warping Dog Brains

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Warping Dog Brains

The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs. – Charles de Gaulle As humans shaped dogs’ bodies, we also altered their brains By Jason Bittel for the Washington Post. Dogs are a weird bunch. They range in size from bearish behemoths like Newfoundlands to pipsqueaks like Milly, a Chihuahua who measures…

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Gonzo Wisdom For Young Adults

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Gonzo Wisdom For Young Adults

So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed? – Hunter S. Thompson The Unlikely Life Coach Young Hume Logan asked his friend for life advice. Twenty-two-year-old…

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One Man’s Best Friend Is Another Man’s N-Word

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One Man’s Best Friend Is Another Man’s N-Word

As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it—whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white…

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Art Class #7 (Robert Colescott)

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Art Class #7 (Robert Colescott)

“The way that one serves is to serve art first; the way you serve art is by being true to yourself.” Robert H. Colescott (August 26, 1925 – June 4, 2009) was an American painter. He is known for satirical genre and crowd subjects, often conveying his exuberant, comical, or bitter reflections on being African American. He studied with Fernand Léger in Paris….

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Lucy Always Moves The Ball

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Lucy Always Moves The Ball

This man was once my student. I am so proud. Told him, Lucy always moves the ball and Lucy is everywhere, so always keep a close watch on your balls. He took it from there. The rest, well, you know, it’s history. Anyway, I have reprised a piece from a couple years ago. You don’t…

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Vaping While Watching Fox News

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Vaping While Watching Fox News

I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to be decades younger. I wanted to be everything except what I was. Unfortunately, at a certain age, wanting something you can’t be or wanting what you can’t have can become a way of life. – Dave Robicheaux (James Lee Burke. The New Iberia Blues.) You take a…

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