Archive For September 19, 2019

Procrastination Is My Super Power

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Procrastination Is My Super Power

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance. – Hunter S. Thompson By Alice Boyes Ph.D. for Psychology Today. How to Recognize Anxiety-Induced Procrastination These five types of procrastination are commonly misunderstood. Anxiety and procrastination go hand in hand. When we feel anxious about something, we’ll put it off….

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Gun Porn

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Gun Porn

Guns aren’t the problem; sick people are. – Pete Sessions (Reptile – TX) If guns aren’t the problem, and we’re blaming sick people, why do we arm them with weapons of war? Let them try their mass murders with a musket, like our Founding Founders intended. And if you think about it, almost not a…

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Poetry Class #2 (Frank Stanford)

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Poetry Class #2 (Frank Stanford)

“No one knows how to love anybody’s trouble.” Frank Stanford (August 1, 1948 – June 3, 1978) was an American poet. He is best known for his epic, The Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You – a labyrinthine poem without stanzas or punctuation. In addition, Stanford published six shorter books of poetry throughout his twenties, and…

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You People Are Crazy (two women having loud sex)

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You People Are Crazy (two women having loud sex)

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. – Friedrich Nietzsche Remember sitting at my grandpa’s knee, listening to him talk about the good old days, and change and new things, like the little grainy black & white television we were watching. We were…

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The Dog Psychiatrist

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The Dog Psychiatrist

How Can You Know What Your Dog Is Really Feeling? Depressed, Confused, Excited, Surprised… and We’re Not Listening By Alexandra Horowitz Every day watching dogs I see emotion in them. At the lab, many of the scenes we create for them are inadvertent emotion provocation. I see curiosity directed at a small robotic “dog” toy that dances and plays…

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Running From The Dark

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Running From The Dark

The Amazing Recovery of Richard Dodd by Paul C. Maurer Richard Dodd stood at the edge of the icy river ready to end his life. The jump wouldn’t be far, no more than 10 feet; surely the fall itself wouldn’t kill him. It was clear the unforgiving river would perform the task in a numbing…

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It Can Too Happen Here

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It Can Too Happen Here

‘It can’t happen here’ is always wrong: a dictatorship can happen anywhere. – Karl Popper How Democracy Dies, American-Style Sharpies, auto emissions and the weaponization of policy. By Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winner who writes for the credible New York Times. September 10, 2019. Democracies used to collapse suddenly, with tanks rolling noisily toward the presidential…

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The Fish

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The Fish

There are some people whom we envy not because they are rich or handsome or successful, although they may be all or any of these, but because everything they are or do seems to be all of a piece, so that even if they wanted to they could not be or do otherwise. – Elizabeth…

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Hurricane Donald Makes Landfall In New Mexico

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Hurricane Donald Makes Landfall In New Mexico

Hurricane season is here. You may have noticed. Starts officially June 1 and runs through November 30th. Every year. And every year, there are the warnings and the preparations and the evacuation notices. Even tax-free supplies. You store water & canned goods and cut back the big trees overhead. Eat all the ice cream. And…

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A Spot Of Bother

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A Spot Of Bother

In Latest Humiliation, Boris Johnson’s Dog Resigns As His Pet By Andy Borowitz September 5, 2019 LONDON (The Borowitz Report)—In the latest in a string of humiliating blows to the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s dog has abruptly resigned as his pet. The dog, whom Johnson named Lord Slobberly, made the announcement in an official statement…

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