Archive For May 31, 2020

it’s all the same fucking day, man

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it’s all the same fucking day, man

I live one day at a time, one day at a time. Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow’s blind, so I live one day at a time. – Willie Nelson I don’t understand how come you’re gone, man. I don’t understand why half the world is still crying, man, when the other half of the world is…

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Before The Next Inevitable Viral Explosion

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Before The Next Inevitable Viral Explosion

I don’t care. Do you? – Melania’s Jacket Sitting around month three at home feeling under siege and restricted. See no likelihood I’ll visit with family and friends any time soon. I say that because my friends are old and so am I. Co-Vid-19 feels a lot like AK47, spraying wildly. The clap at an…

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Art Class #21 (Peter Saul)

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Art Class #21 (Peter Saul)

“There’s a small group of people always watching me to make sure I’m still offending.” ART IN REVIEW; Peter Saul By Roberta Smith for The New York Times. December 1, 2000. [Think a Soho gallery. Think Y2K.] If Peter Saul isn’t great, in his own gross way he’s close enough. At 66, he is having his…

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Quarantine Confessions of A Fearful White Man

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Quarantine Confessions of A Fearful White Man

Falsehood can hold out against much in this world, but not against art. – Alexandr Solzhenitsyn I’m afraid my big goal in life is simply to get older. All this crap I’m hearing from the snowflakes, you wear a mask not to protect yourself, but to protect others. Bullshit! Wear a mask to protect myself….

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Skanks For Biden

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Skanks For Biden

There’s a new flag flying down the street. Just went up. Another Navy veteran, old salt in a wheelchair, signaling his support for the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Feels like such a sad confession of fear somehow. On Memorial Day weekend, Donald referred to a white woman with a credible resume longer than…

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Donald Unmasked

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Donald Unmasked

The irony of life is that those who wear masks often tell us more truths than those with open faces. – Marie Lu The President Of The United States Should Not Wear A Mask President Trump needs to exhibit strength and leadership in this crisis, he can’t do that from behind a mask. By David Marcus…

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Become Your Own Hero

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Become Your Own Hero

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be. – David Viscott “You don’t know yourself any better than you know anyone else,” she says forcefully. “I don’t know what gives people this weird notion that they’re so well acquainted with themselves; you have to go through years of…

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OGORs (Tom Fleming)

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OGORs (Tom Fleming)

He was an Original Gangster Of Running. I was a couple inches taller, a few years older. ten pounds heavier and a minute per mile slower, maybe two. Tom had bigger legs. I was a fan. We were in a couple races together, albeit really socially distant. Figure I’m six miles back at Boston. But…

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Retaking America For Good

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Retaking America For Good

Donald is a disgruntled employee who will say and do anything to keep his job. Many, many people have told me – strongly – he is disliked by his co-workers. And ridiculed behind his back. [M]embers of labor unions, and unorganized unskilled workers, will sooner or later realize that their government is not even trying…

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Art Class #20 – J.B. Blunk

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Art Class #20 – J.B. Blunk

“I began making wood sculpture in 1962. I knew how to use a chainsaw and it was one of those things – one day you just start.“ JB (James Blain) Blunk was born in Ottawa, Kansas. He graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he studied physics, later changing his major and studying under noted…

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