Archive For September 17, 2024

Being The Adventures Of The Booty-Sniffing Pirate, Long John Dogg

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Being The Adventures Of The Booty-Sniffing Pirate, Long John Dogg

Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. – Mark Twain Not A Runt, Just Different. You’re off to great places, today is your day.  Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way. – Dr. Seuss His boat was small and…

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Imagine Trump As Your Life Coach

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Imagine Trump As Your Life Coach

Many, many Americans – and even some of your immigrants – come up to me on the street with tears streaming across their cheeks and down their chins and ask – very strongly – ‘Sir, should we really NOT believe what we see and hear with our own eyes and ears?’ Intimates chewing the fat…

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Jay Birmingham’s “Olympic Hopefuls” (The Complete Novel)

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Jay Birmingham’s “Olympic Hopefuls” (The Complete Novel)

This book is dedicated to every person who has ever pursued a difficult goal and followed that quest to its conclusion. – Jay Birmingham, Raleigh, North Carolina 2024 Chapter One: BILL SZYMCZAK      At this distance, details are lost: all I can see is a terrible crush of bodies. The panicked mob pushes, everyone mindless…

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Wild Dog College Tour

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Wild Dog College Tour

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Chpts. 32-34: The Conclusion of “Olympic Hopefuls” By Jay Birmingham

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Chpts. 32-34: The Conclusion of “Olympic Hopefuls” By Jay Birmingham

“Some of you will win gold medals; others will be humbled.  Regardless of what you achieve, return home with your belief in self intact.  The fact you are in this room tonight means you have everything it takes to live a life of honor and achievement.” – Calvin Benlehr Chapter 32 CELEBRATION           Beckwith rented…

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