A Quiet Sunday At Home In Winter

Remember to write note
to self:
Man with gnarled hands
should forgo
button-fly jeans.
Flavored coffee 
on weekends.
Vanilla Nut.
Sounds like a great
band name.
Anybody else notice
the talking heads
on cable news channels 
look like kids
you went to school with?
I think
I think
Beginning to get some sense
of my biggest problem.
Getting old
and that feels like a
Shocking even.
I start my day
every day
with a strong cup of Joe
and my vibrating heating pad
on my stiff back.
Remember leaving 
my first wedding. 
And a kid calls out,
as my bride and I 
burst into the sun
a spotlight
on just the two of us.
We part the crowd -
rice in the air -
this kid calls out
"Mom! He looks just like 
Joe Namath!!!"
When I was young
with huge dark sideburns.
Walk the dogs.
Walk the wife, too.
Bring them all home safely,
then hammer six solo miles.
"Hammering" so slow
these old years.
Make brunch.
Heat frozen blueberry pancakes
and frozen pork sausages.
Almost as good as sex
for my wife.
She can just sit there
and be served
like a goddess
while she watches
"Say Yes To The Dress."
from her recliner,
swaddled in her snuggly
brightly-colored Tropical Bird comforter.
Laundry started.
Wife napping.
And snoring.
Dogs, too.
Smoking my pipe,
a blend redolent of a
double bacon maple bar 
from Voodoo Doughnuts.
Cranberry Juice & Diet Tonic.
Television on,
watching Coach K chase
thousands of victory.
A pin on each dark lapel.
Seems insecure.
I want to get my M.F.A.
Want to start a tavern/book store.
Write another half dozen
respected books.
Stay sexy.
I think
I think.
Might have four
Two more than
long suspected.
The Good You
might want to come out
but he can't be here
Can I?
Ernie Banks died.
Bought his first glove
for $2.98.
Sports Authority 
has gloves on sale
for three hundred bucks.
My first glove was
orange plastic
first base mitt
Dad got from
the trash man.
Bingeing on
Boardwalk Empire.
Blaise Pascal said, 
"All of man's troubles
stem from his inability
to sit quietly
in a room alone."
With himself.
Some sinister black man 
in a sharp outfit:
"a thing mixed
is a thing weakened."
Reminded me of
an old girlfriend.
A whore
in the kitchen,
a cook
in the bedroom.
Which reminded me 
of my second wife.
The real crazy one.

I couldn't hit her
and she wouldn't shut up
cause an ex-girlfriend
had called out of the blue
after a dozen years.
She called me, mind you.
she called ME
My second wife yells 
at me on the lanai
for hours.
Not making this up.
You can think
I am making this up
if it will help you
still like me.

Threw the woman into our pool.

Should have seen the little angel
Don't look at me like that.
She could swim.
And she finally
shut the fuck up.
Look at the time!!
Getting late. 
9 p.m.
Head for the hot tub.
Better the book
on bedside table,
the later I go
to sleep.