Kerouac Said….

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me.”

Jack is back … and the Beat goes on – Lowell Sun

I shambled after

as I’ve been doing all my life

after people who interest me,

because the only people for me

are the mad ones,

the ones who are mad to live,

mad to talk,

mad to be saved,

desirous of everything at the same time,

the ones who never yawn

or say a commonplace thing,

but burn, burn, burn

like fabulous roman candles

exploding like spiders

across the stars

and in the middle

you see the blue centerlight


and everybody goes ‘Awww…'”

-That’s what Jack Kerouac said

On The Road.


A hero of my youth.

He died middle-aged,

a drunk living with his mom.

Sure, there was a time,

amid an absence of fireworks,

I was middle-aged

and living with my mom.

Wasn’t (always) drunk

& moved out.

Long before I died.

Long before.



“Hey Jack Kerouac”