The World’s Slowest Professional Runner Looks Back And There’s Nobody There

The county library puts on an excellent event every February.  Nice shirt.  Lots of fun, always some guy dressed like a Holstein cow.  I may walk it next year.   New age group. – JDW

Does this hat look military to you?

Does this hat look military to you?

Went to a five kilometer race this morning, a literary celebrity, dressed all in black, wearing my black ball cap with the silver Oregon Project skull.

Two old too fat seniors looked at me and said “Thank you for your service.”


Told The Librarian three of the best hours of my life – of late – were spent watching Mr. Galen Rupp run his first marathon and drinking a lot of beer while I was doing it.

He said he did the same thing.


Don’t mean to brag, I used to be The World’s Slowest Professional Runner.  Quite an honor actually on a couple of levels.

Didn’t have any money and I ran for a living.  Did you ever love doing something  so much you were happy to do it badly.

In my case……….slowly.


Here’s the strange part; if I ran that pace today I’d be a local star.  Which suggests like I have been telling you the secret of life is timing.

And the secret of timing is luck.

Bottom line?

Better to be lucky than fast.

Grey is so not my color. Look so much leaner in black.

Grey is so not my color. Look so much leaner in black.

1 comments on “The World’s Slowest Professional Runner Looks Back And There’s Nobody There
  1. JDW says:

    I say this is one of the worst photos of me ever and my wife says, oh, it’s not so bad.
    Look!!! In the background, there’s that cow I told you about.

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