The Complete Original Gangsters Of Running (Vol. 3)

Original Gangsters Of Running (Rod Dixon)

All I want to do is drink beer and train like an animal. – Rod Dixon

Think it was 1980, in Purchase, New York, at the headquarters of a carbonated beverage company, when Rod Dixon and I first crossed paths. He was an invited athlete and I was happy just to get in the door. Later we partied together at the Pittock Mansion in Portland, Oregon. Well, maybe not actually ‘together.’ My back and his back were often back to back.

Not like we ever hung out.

Disneyland. 1983 maybe. Swallow some water in the pool, I pop up, gasping, wiping my face, and Rod Dixon, the famous athlete I don’t really know, who had no idea I was in LA and who I haven’t seen in a couple of years says, he says something like “Jack? Mate! How’s it goin’?”

I thought that was cool. Still do.

Back in the day, I thought Rod Dixon had arguably the greatest range of any distance runner in human history.

Still do.

When did you start running and why?

I started running not long after I could walk. I remember my mother saying “young Rodney” just can’t keep still – he runs all around the house and the farm property. I knew in primary/elementary school I loved the athletics and my brother who’s three years older, joined the running club when he was 13 and that was something I wanted to do when I was the same age. I played soccer, rugby, basketball, field hockey but most of all I just love the running. Cross-country at school, that was something I just loved the most.

Toughest opponent and why?

Growing up in Nelson, New Zealand, at a young age, my good friend Roger Sowman was always beating me. I just knew, one day I was going to be able to maybe beat him. That kept me motivated.

I had a lot of really great races against a lot of great runners and to single anyone out doesn’t really determine or identify the toughest opponent. Every race produced some great athletes to run against and our friendships grew from that. All over the world from different countries at different races.

Most memorable run and why?

I’m going to say every race every run was memorable. The 1972 Olympic 1500 in Munich was incredible. Ranked 42nd in the world and finishing with the bronze medal. The 1500m at the 1974 Commonwealth Games, Christchurch, New Zealand – 4th in the race and 5th fastest time in history. [not a typo.] Of course, the 1983 New York City marathon and so the incredible journey continued.

Biggest disappointment and why?

Disappointments gave me the strength to be the best I could be in the next race. Possibly the “biggest disappointment” was 1976 5000 meters in Montreal Olympic Games.

That one must have made you REALLY strong.

What would you do differently if you could do it again?  Why? 

Montreal 5000m, I’d take control of the race at 300m. The long strength finish, rather than rely on a sprint close to the line.

Favorite philosopher?  Quote?

“Learn by Doing”- Sir Edmund Hilary.

Special song of the era? 

Rolling Stones – ‘Start Me Up.’

Favorite comedian?

Robin Williams.

What was your ‘best stretch of running’?  And so why do you think you hit that level at that time?

The best stretch of running ,or training as I would put it, was definitely once I committed to the 1983 New York City marathon. That was 23 weeks of absolute focus every day, every mile, every minute. Probably the first time I had given so much time exclusively towards one event.

What was your edge?

Consistency in training day by day knowing the next three days was based on the last four days. I started to realize how important consistency was. Step by step. That’s how you climb Mount Everest and that was the inspiration I got listening to Sir Edmund Hillary.

What supplementary exercises did you do?

Cross training yoga, gym work-flexibility, low weights-high repetitions.

What was your toughest injury and how did you deal with it?

Possibly the most frustrating injuries were patella tendinitis, Achilles tendinitis.

How did you solve the problem(s)?

Interestingly, it was more of an ABC – Agility Balance and Coordination skills to ‘solve’ the problem.

I think in some parts it was the body adjusting to the training and also a lot of it was based on shoe design/manufacture. The shoes back in the 1960s and 1970s just were not good for training and a lot of the injuries and stress were a result of poor design, materials, sole design and instability.

Fortunately, I was able to work with a German shoemaker here in my hometown and we were able to make adjustments and add concepts to the shoe to make them more comfortable, more durable and more adaptive to the conditions I was running in.

Additional ‘therapy’ was also massage therapy and orthopedic foot support. Chiropractic and physical therapy helped to maintain consistency in my stride and foot strike.

Your current routine?

My current routine or daily exercise is based around mountain bike cycling. I do the odd “jiggle jog” thirty to sometimes forty minutes, maybe once or twice a week.

My mountain biking, I can go out for two to three hours almost 6 days a week, incredible environment.

I’m at Tokongwhau near the Able Tasman National Park Nelson New Zealand and so there are just hundreds of wilderness trails, mountain trails and MT bike trails and the Kaiteriteri mountain bike park.

I still do my yoga and cross training and mobility exercising. I try and get in two or three swims a week down at the beach. Of course, general activities, e.g., track cleaning/clearing, tree trimming.

I will visit a school during the week. That often takes a bit of a run ’round the the course with the kids. We’ll also do exercises/activity ABC Agility, Balance, Coordination skills.

The key is healthy eating, exercise. That’ll lead to health and wellness.

Dixon was born on July 13, 1950, in Nelson, New Zealand.

He first represented New Zealand at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich , finishing third in the 1500 meters.  

A few weeks after Munich, Rod was in London at a post-Olympic track meet at the Crystal Palace and both Dixon and Steve Prefontaine were entered in the two-mile.

“Pre was coming down from 5,000 and I was stepping up from the 1,500,” says Dixon. “I sat on him and outkicked him at the end. He broke the American record, I broke the Commonwealth record, but Pre was upset at me for not sharing the pace. I walked up to him after the race to shake his hand and he called me a f*ckin’ Kiwi and he stormed off.”

At the 1974 British Commonwealth Games in Christchurch, Dixon finished fourth in the 1500 meters. His time of 3:33.89 (officially 3:33.9) was the fifth fastest ever at the time and remained Dixon’s lifetime best for the distance. He then moved to the 5000 meters and was ranked first in the world for the event in 1975 by Track & Field News magazine. “The Bible of the Sport.”

In the 5000 meters at the 1976 Montreal Olympics Dixon finished fourth behind four-time Olympic Champion Lasse Virén, teammate Dick Quax and Klaus-Peter Hildenbrand whose last second dive/fall denied Dixon a second Olympic bronze medal.

After missing the 1980 Summer Olympics due to the boycott. Dixon took third place at the 1982 IAAF World Cross-Country Championships. Dixon turned to road-running and was among the most successful athletes on the US road racing circuit in the early ’80s. He won the Falmouth Road Race (1980), Bay to Breakers (1982 & 1983), the Lynchburg, Virginia 10-miler (1981 & 1983), and the Philadelphia Half-Marathon (1980, 1981).

His inevitable move to longer distances culminated in his 1983 marathon victory in New York City.  He finished 10th in the marathon at the 1984 Summer Olympics.

Unable to compete due to an injury, Dixon guided a blind runner in the 1985 Bay to Breakers. Which has to be hard to do amongst that chaotic circus. 

At the 1985 New York Marathon, Dixon served as the first host for the participatory “Helmet Cam” as he followed the lead pack for a mile during the race.

ABC Sports outfitted Dixon with five pounds of gear for the event. Rod needed to keep pace with the lead runners, bearing the extra load, while remaining within two-hundred yards of the broadcast team’s chase vehicle.

I see the race from a runner’s view; most people see it from a spectator’s view. Hopefully, you will be able to see the race from my eyes now,” says Dixon. “You will understand what is going on out there all the time, the positioning . . . looking five or six moves ahead.  I want to tell why a runner looks strong or why he seems to be weakening. You might sit in a studio and see these but you can really only get the feel for it with you are running along with them.”

The boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics led Dixon to become embroiled in a savage row with the NZ Amateur Athletic Association. He got wind of the boycott some time before it was officially announced and confronted NZAAA over it. Teams were in their final preparations and some athletes were leaving their jobs so they could compete without any idea there would be a boycott. Dixon felt the New Zealand government had no business meddling in the Olympic games and the athletes should have been consulted and been part of the decision-making process. This rift lead to Dixon relocating to the US to compete in the road racing circuit.

After winning the New York Marathon, Pan Am put his name on the side of one of its 747s and gave him a self-write ticket – for first class. He was known to ask a friend, “Want to go to Zurich tonight?” And off they’d go, for dinner.

Definitely, OG.

OCTOBER 31, 1983 Sports Illustrated




After 16 cold, drizzly miles of Sunday’s New York City Marathon, Geoff Smith looped down off the Queensboro Bridge onto First Avenue and was greeted with a roar. He had all but shed one of the largest fields in marathon history—more than 15,000 starters—with a devastating 2:06:25 pace that, if he could sustain it, would give him, in his first marathon, a world record by nearly two minutes. And so, as he entered Manhattan, he was consumed by the crowd noise. Despite the rain, people had come out en masse and decorated the area with a dazzling autumn foliage of slickers and umbrellas. “It all felt so good,” Smith said later, wistfully. “I just seemed able to float away.”

But Smith hadn’t shed everyone: Tanzania’s Gidamis Shahanga, whom he’d overtaken on the bridge less than a mile before, lurked several yards behind. Shahanga, 26 and a senior at Texas-El Paso, is the NCAA 5,000- and 10,000-meter track champion; on Sunday he’d scorched through Brooklyn and Queens, pulling Smith, 29, along at what seemed a suicidal pace. Now, as Smith floated north toward the Bronx, Shahanga shadowed him.

New Zealand’s Rod Dixon came off the bridge third, in desperate pursuit of the pair 120 yards ahead of him. Dixon, the prerace favorite, was already nursing a right hamstring he’d strained on slick pavement at five miles. Here, in an effort to gain on the leaders, he put on a surge—and almost lost control, stretching the muscle to the brink of tearing. “I hit another slippery patch,” he said later. “My right leg shot out from under me.” Dixon caught himself and then accelerated some more. He had come to the race off months of hard training in the forest near Reading, Pa., where he currently lives, hoping to shatter Alberto Salazar’s two-year-old world best of 2:08:13. He had also brought to New York a streak of 19 consecutive road-race victories at distances ranging from five to 10 miles. That was his obsession: winning. A 1972 Olympic bronze medalist at 1,500 meters, a onetime 3:53 miler, a hardworking and hard-partying and hard-as-nails competitor, the 33-year-old Dixon saw New York as the capstone of his wide-ranging running career. But only if he won.

With Dixon and Shahanga chasing hotly after Smith, and with Grete Waitz of Norway running masterfully toward her fifth New York women’s title—she would finish in 2:27:00, nearly five minutes ahead of runner-up Laura Fogli of Italy—the 1983 marathon was at last dispatching some considerable prerace worries: that its field was too weak; that fan and media support might consequently wane; that a new challenger, the rapidly growing America’s Marathon/Chicago, which offered $135,000 in legal prize money and was held only one week before, might be taking over as the major race of the fall. “I welcome the so-called competition from Chicago,” New York Marathon Director Fred Lebow had said. “Chicago is throwing all kinds of money around to buy top runners, but they cannot buy the vitality of New York. New York is magic.”

But because of Olympic training and offers from Chicago, most big-name marathoners had performed a vanishing act on Lebow. Salazar, the three-time defending champion, canceled out because the race didn’t fit into his training schedule. Four-time New York winner Bill Rodgers chose to run in Chicago, as did 1983 Boston champ Greg Meyer and a score of other good runners. Neither world champion Rob de Castella of Australia nor women’s world-record holder Joan Benoit had any interest in New York. Says a Lebow acquaintance, “Fred was panicking.”

What made Chicago more attractive to some of the runners was not just its purse but also its numerous under-the-table appearance payments; New York is said to hand out $200,000 in sub rosa prize money but very few appearance fees. “We spread our money around,” said Chicago Marathon Coordinator Bob Bright, adding, “I think Fred’s program is showing a little wear.” Bright also said, “They’re getting a reputation for going roughshod on athletes there, and it’s starting to hurt them.”

But the only hurts showing on Sunday were Dixon’s right hamstring—he kept reaching down to grab it every few minutes—and both of Smith’s hamstrings, which began to spasm in the Bronx, at 20 miles. “They started cramping up so bad I didn’t know if I could finish,” said Smith, who had put away Shahanga at about the 17-mile mark. Smith, a native of Liverpool, England, is a senior at Providence College and a relative latecomer to running. If nothing else, he’s gritty—and now he had to be.

Dixon was closing fast, moving into second place at 18 miles and shaving Smith’s lead steadily as the two crossed back into Manhattan. Smith’s pace was slowing. At 20 miles he led by 500 yards; by 23 miles, the gap had been narrowed to 75. Through Central Park and around its border Dixon stalked his prey—”Better the hunter than the hunted,” he would say—until with half a mile to go he was only 30 yards from the lead. Dixon had cannily run tangents on the turns along the windy park road, thereby saving yardage. Smith hadn’t. “My mind wasn’t there,” Smith would say later.

At precisely 26 miles, Dixon caught his rival and surged past. “He didn’t respond, and that gave me a charge,” said Dixon. Smith was wobbling, his legs causing him what he later called “complete agony.” He would stumble across the line in 2:09:08 and collapse.

It never gets old for the victor.

Dixon hit the finish at 2:08:59, a two-minute, 22-second improvement over his only previous marathon, in Auckland in 1982. Exuberant, he fell to his knees, blew a two-handed kiss to the Lord, bowed his head onto the New York pavement, stood up and then jumped as high as he could—arms thrust upward in triumph. He planted another kiss on Waitz when she crossed the line.

Smith, having run the fastest first marathon ever, 33 seconds better than Salazar’s 1980 New York performance, sat motionless in the pressroom, his hamstrings so sore he could not touch them. “This was the hardest thing I’ll ever do in my life,” he said softly.

Dixon explained what the race had taught him about marathoning.

“That it’s bloody hard,” he said with a laugh, leaving one lesson unspoken: A marathon can also be bloody satisfying.

Personal Bests

800 m1:47.6Rome1973
1500 m3:33.89Christchurch1974
1 mile3:53.62Stockholm1975
3000 m Steeplechase8:29.0Oslo1973
2 miles8:14.4Stockholm1974
5000 m13:17.27Stockholm1976
10000 m28:11.0Atlanta1981
Half marathon1:02:12 NRPhiladelphia1981
Marathon2:08:59New York1983


Date FinishedTimeFlagsTypeDistanceSiteRacePrize moneyActions
02 Nov 2008980?3:38:15aRDMarathonNew York NY/USAING New York City
11 Aug 200215045:30aRD11.265 kmFalmouth MA/USASBLI Falmouth Road Race
11 Apr 1999223:59RD5 miWimbledon Village ENGHercules Wimbleton Invitational
17 Aug 199713741:52aRD11.265 kmFalmouth MA/USAHarvard Pilgrim Healthcare Falmouth Road Race
16 May 19932639:12aRD12 kmSan Francisco CA/USASan Francisco Examiner Bay to Breakers
18 Mar 19902631:34RD10 kmTorrance CA/USATom Sullivan St Patrick’s Day
15 May 19889aRD12 kmSan Francisco CA/USABay to Breakers
26 Mar 198811738:03XC12 kmAuckland NZLIAAF World Crosscountry Championships
13 Mar 19884231:37RD10 kmTorrance CA/USATom Sullivan St Patrick’s Day
06 Mar 1988122:15:45RDMarathonLos Angeles CA/USACity of Los Angeles
20 Feb 198848:20OT3 kmn/a NZLTrack Meeting
31 Jan 1988124:20XC8.2 kmn/a NZLCrosscountry Meeting
17 May 1987936:42aRD12 kmSan Francisco CA/USABay to Breakers
22 Nov 19861130:11RD10 kmBirmingham AL/USAPepsi Vulcan Run
18 May 19861236:57aRD12 kmSan Francisco CA/USABay to Breakers
09 Mar 198632:14:48RDMarathonLos Angeles CA/USALos Angeles$3,000
14 Jul 1985159:39xRD20 kmChicago IL/USAChicago Distance Classic
17 Mar 1985429:20RD10 kmTorrance CA/USATom Sullivan
03 Mar 19851530:09RD10 kmSan Diego CA/USABuick
02 Dec 1984229:12RD10 kmBeverly Hills CA/USAPerrier
28 Oct 1984DNFDNFaRDMarathonNew York NY/USANew York City
07 Oct 1984135:30RD12 kmItasca IL/USAHamilton Lakes Oktoberfast
30 Sep 1984137:17RD12.87 kmBoston MA/USAFreedom Trail
09 Sep 1984128:59RD10 kmPortland OR/USADiet-Pepsi
03 Sep 198461:01:39RD20 kmNew Haven CT/USANew Haven Road Race
18 Aug 1984723:34RD8 kmMaggie Valley NC/USAMaggie Valley Moonlight Run
12 Aug 1984102:12:57aRDMarathonLos Angeles CA/USAOlympic Games
01 Jul 1984328:49aRD10 kmNew York NY/USADiet Pepsi Championships
03 Jun 1984329:30RD10 kmMiddletown NY/USAOrange Classic
20 May 1984336:11aRD12 kmSan Francisco CA/USABay-to-Breakers
10 Feb 198438:37.2IT2 miLos Angeles CA/USALos Angeles Times United Airlines Games
23 Oct 198312:08:59aRDMarathonNew York NY/USANew York City
02 Oct 1983137:31RD12.87 kmBoston MA/USAFreedom Trail$1,000
24 Sep 1983147:12RD10 miLynchburg VA/USAVirginia
13 Aug 1983129:03RD10 kmAsbury Park NJ/USAAsbury Park Classic
03 Jul 1983128:19aRD10 kmNew York NY/USAPepsi Challenge Championships$5,000
21 May 1983129:07RD10 kmSouth Bend IN/USAPepsi Challenge Regional
15 May 1983135:01.3aRD12 kmSan Francisco CA/USABay to Breakers
05 Dec 1982128:32RD10 kmBeverly Hills CA/USAPerrier
31 Oct 1982128:39RD10 kmWoodland Hills CA/USAPepsi Challenge
11 Sep 1982130:34RD10 kmMohnton PA/USAPepsi Challenge
15 Aug 1982332:17aRD11.265 kmFalmouth MA/USAFalmouth Road Race
07 Aug 1982422:57aRD5 miMaggie Valley NC/USAMaggie Valley Moonlight
31 Jul 1982130:52RD10 kmAdamstown PA/USAGemutlichkeit Bier Fest
18 Jul 1982229:39RD10 kmMiddletown NY/USAOrange Classic
10 Jul 1982232:20RD10 kmPark City UT/USAPepsi Challenge
03 Jul 1982128:13RD10 kmNew York NY/USAPepsi Challenge National Championships$5,000
27 Jun 1982343:33RD15 kmPortland OR/USACascade Run Off$4,000
06 Jun 1982129:20RD10 kmPhiladelphia PA/USAPepsi Challenge
30 May 198212:11:21RDMarathonAuckland NZLPasta Auckland International
16 May 1982135:08aRD12 kmSan Francisco CA/USABay to Breakers
03 Apr 1982129:39RD10 kmTulsa OK/USAPepsi Challenge
21 Mar 1982334:01.8XC12 kmRome ITAIAAF World Crosscountry Championships
12 Dec 1981143:13RD15 kmAlhambra CA/USAFalcon Classic Pro/Am$5,000
06 Dec 1981128:38RD10 kmBeverly Hills CA/USABeverly Hills Perrier
08 Nov 1981128:43RD10 kmLos Angeles CA/USAPepsi Challenge
17 Oct 1981128:13RD10 kmHampton VA/USAColiseum Mall
10 Oct 1981128:13RD10 kmMyrtle Beach SC/USANatural Light Autumn Run
04 Oct 1981136:42RD12.875 kmBoston MA/USAOmni Freedom Trail$6,350
26 Sep 1981146:50RD10 miLynchburg VA/USAVirginia
20 Sep 198111:02:12RDHalf MaraPhiladelphia PA/USAPhiladelphia Distance Run
29 Aug 1981129:43RD10 kmSpokane WA/USADiet Pepsi Regional
16 Aug 1981232:16aRD11.265 kmFalmouth MA/USAFalmouth Road Race
01 Aug 1981122:44RD5 miMaggie Valley NC/USAMaggie Valley Moonlight
26 Jul 1981129:13RD10 kmPhiladelphia PA/USASaucony
04 Jul 1981228:11aRD10 kmAtlanta GA/USAPeachtree
23 May 198131:01:14xRD20 kmWheeling WV/USAElby’s Distance Race
05 Apr 1981928:38aRD10 kmNew Orleans LA/USACrescent City Classic
28 Mar 19811135:30XC12 kmMadrid ESPIAAF World Crosscountry Championships
31 Jan 1981128:35.69OT10 kmChristchurch NZLn/a
04 Jan 19811423:00RD8 kmLos Altos CA/USARunner’s World Invitational
31 Dec 1980122:33RD8 kmNew York NY/USAThe Runner Brooks Midnight
04 Oct 1980328:30RD10 kmPurchase NY/USADiet Pepsi Finals
27 Sep 1980146:51RD10 miLynchburg VA/USAVirginia
21 Sep 198011:03:39RDHalf MaraPhiladelphia PA/USAPhiladelphia
01 Sep 1980128:45RD10 kmBaton Rouge LA/USALabor Day
17 Aug 1980132:20.4aRD11.265 kmFalmouth MA/USAFalmouth Road Race
02 Aug 1980130:42RD10 kmAdamstown PA/USAGemutlichkeit Bier Fest
27 Jul 1980129:35RD10 kmPhiladelphia PA/USASaucony Share the Road
08 Jun 1980330:29RD10 kmPhiladelphia PA/USADiet Pepsi
22 Feb 198038:24.1IT2 miSan Diego CA/USASan Diego Indoor
16 Feb 1980113:26.56aIT5 kmHouston TX/USABrooks Invitational
26 Jan 198028:25.6OT2 miAuckland NZLn/a
18 Jul 197957:44.21OT3 kmLausanne SUIAthletissima
17 Jul 197918:15.18OT2 miOslo NORn/a
14 Jul 1979313:24.7OT5 kmLondon ENGAAA Championships
10 Jul 1979213:19.19OT5 kmBudapest HUNBudapest Grand Prix
05 Jul 1979113:18.64OT5 kmOslo NORBislett Games
25 Mar 197987XC12 kmLimerick IRLIAAF World Crosscountry Championships
03 Mar 1979113:45.1OT5 kmChristchurch NZLNew Zealand Championships
07 Sep 19781814:26.6OT5 kmKoblenz GERn/a
23 Aug 197827:44.92OT3 kmLondon ENGn/a
18 Aug 1978113:21.8OT5 kmBrussels BELIvo VanDamme Memorial
10 Aug 1978813:43.69OT5 kmEdmonton AB/CANBritish Commonwealth Games
09 Jul 197817:47.17OT3 kmGateshead ENGn/a
04 Jul 1978213:17.37OT5 kmStockholm SWEDagens Nyheter Galan
01 Jul 1978313:32.2OT5 kmMilan ITAn/a
27 Jun 197847:41.1OT3 kmOslo NORBislett Games
04 Mar 1978113:57.6OT5 kmWellington NZLNew Zealand Championships
21 Jan 1978113:25.2OT5 kmChristchurch NZLn/a
12 Jan 197828:26.3OT2 miMelbourne AUSn/a
13 Nov 1977142:09:18xRDMarathonAuckland NZLChoysa
13 Aug 1977140:56XC12 kmNapier NZLNew Zealand Cross Championships
11 Jul 1977113:35.6OT5 kmDublin IRLn/a
05 Jul 1977DNFDNFOT5 kmStockholm SWEDagens Nyheter Gala
20 Mar 19774638:53XC12 kmDüsseldorf GERIAAF World Crosscountry Championships
19 Feb 19772IT2 miSan Diego CA/USAn/a
08 Sep 197617:49.6OT3 kmKoblenz GERn/a
01 Sep 197617:43.46OT3 kmCologne GERn/a
27 Aug 197618:29.0OT2 miBerlin GERISTAF
10 Aug 1976213:21.16OT5 kmStockholm SWEDagens Nyheter Gala
30 Jul 1976413:25.50OT5 kmMontreal PQ/CANOlympic Games
28 Jul 1976213:20.48OT5 kmMontreal PQ/CANOlympic Games- Semifinal #3
05 Jul 1976313:17.27OT5 kmStockholm SWEn/a
19 Aug 197518:16.78OT2 miStockholm SWEn/a
12 Aug 1975113:23.0OT5 kmGoteborg SWEn/a
30 Jul 1975113:21.6OT5 kmOslo NORn/a
26 Jul 1975113:27.4OT5 kmGateshead ENGn/a
08 Jul 197517:45.0OT3 kmParis FRAn/a
16 Mar 197526XC12 kmRabat MARIAAF Crosscountry Championships
02 Mar 19752XC12.9 kmSeville ESPSpanish Championships
23 Nov 1974748:46aRD10 miCarlisle ENGBrampton-Carlisle
24 Aug 1974113:37.8OT5 kmFormia ITAFormia Meeting
21 Aug 197418:17.6OT2 miBerlin GERISTAF
07 Aug 197417:50.3OT3 kmViareggio ITAViareggio International Meeting
24 Jul 1974113:32.6OT5 kmTurin ITAMeeting Internazionale Città di Torino
18 Jul 197418:14.32OT2 miStockholm SWEn/a
04 Jul 197427:41.8OT3 kmOslo NORn/a
02 Jul 197417:41.0OT3 kmMilan ITAn/a
14 Sep 197338:36.0OT2 miLondon ENGIAC/Coca Cola Floodlit Meeting
25 Jul 197338:17.32OT2 miStockholm SWEn/a
17 Mar 1973336:00XC12 kmWaregem BELIAAF Crosscountry Championships
03 Mar 1973143:42XC14.48 kmn/a ENGEnglish Crosscountry Championships
03 Aug 197287:52.0OT3 kmOslo NORn/a
14 Aug 1971140:27XC12 kmNorth Taieri NZLNew Zealand Cross Championships
20 Mar 19711039:43.5XC12 kmSan Sebastian ESPWorld Crosscountry Championships
07 Mar 1971235:56XC11 kmWaregem BELBelgian Crosscountry Championships

The Day After This Piece Originally Appeared, I Get A Note

It’s from Rod.

Great read and incredible list of races/championships, etc.

There are quite a few races I never ran though and also missing are the ones I did run.

My biggest “last thrill” was in 1995 winning World Masters 1500 and 5000(results shown here)

Dixon, 1983 New York Marathon winner, now inspires kids to run just as he was inspired as a 10-year-old.

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