Fate Whispers To The Warrior

“When you choose to be a competitor, you choose to be a survivor.  When you choose to compete, you make the conscious decision to find out what your real limits are, not just what you think they are.” – Coach Pat XO Summitt

Fate whispers to the warrior, “You cannot withstand the storm.”

And the warrior whispers back, I am the storm.”

The old man was feeling good.  He didn’t know why.  Wondered if he should give it some thought or just ride the wave.  When pain becomes normal, its momentary loss can alarm.

I don’t know why.

Maybe it was the old man’s new life philosophy, something he picked up from a Sunday funny.  Something Dilbert’s co-worker said stuck in the old man’s mind.  Dilbert asks, do you have any long-term goals?

Just death.

Death isn’t a goal.

It’s the best kind of goal.  This way I go out as a winner.

With my last breath, I plan to do a fist pump and yell “I DID IT!!

That made sense to the old man.  Like not leaving the court until you sink three in a row.

He was a competitor.  And he was a survivor.

And no matter what happened now, he would close out the final chapter with a victory.

1 comments on “Fate Whispers To The Warrior
  1. JDW says:

    “Right foot, left foot, breathe.” – Pat XO

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