I Need Never Get Old

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
– Albert Einstein
Except if you pay attention, after a while,
you begin to suspect nothing is something and,
if it’s something,
then nothing is a part of everything.
I who have nothing
have something,  at least have that.
Big picture, there’s only one way to live your life.
Because being alive is its own miracle.
Feel like I am being burglarized.
Either you are alive or you are dead.
Options seem binary.
Look at me, talking all mathematical and such.
Of course, throw in love and pain and loss,
really all the same thing.
Feel like somebody broke into the house
and stole all my stuff.
Bastards took my memories,
took my muscle,
my friends.
Wife says they got my hearing, too.
Always had such a future.
This is it.

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