Zombie Apocalypse (Day Two)

Patient was misdiagnosed and the wrong antidote prescribed. 

Basically how the virus spread.  Before you knew what was happening…

The old man had suspected for months.  Suspected for months because he wasn’t much of a Kool-Aid consumer for either side.  He could sense the appeal of a tax-evading, draft-dodging sexual predator, who treated the truth like a poisonous snake.  A puffy-faced, bloated reality TV star.  Hence the comparisons to Ronald Reagan.

As a President-elect, Trump on a scale of one to ten, a four (4) would be generous. 

I mean, really, just look at him.  (makes retching sound)

He had known Kesey and they had briefly discussed the idea of a Randale Patrick McMurphy Presidency. 

Agreed that would be something to see.

Look on the bright side. 

Good news: The president-elect is now a tall old overweight white man who likes fast food and loathes exercise.

Bad news:  The Veep-elect is a total nut case who looks good and speaks softly and wants to reinstate public hangings and chastity belts for the poor.

Real danger is zombies and ideologues. 

The rich will get theirs, they always do.

Paul Ryan is an ideologue.  I can almost hear the voices of the victims’ families: ‘He seemed so nice and sane. Went to church.  He seemed normal.’  Same crap you always hear when the neighborhood newspaper boy gets caught decapitating sainted Mrs. Moore’s favorite tabby.  The big orange cat.  As part of a Satanic ritual.

Speaker Ryan apparently read all of Ayn Rand’s philosophically portentous doorstops and all he got out of it?  Heroes must be lean and fit and look good in a dark suit.

Then there’s Senator McConnell (Reptile-KY).  You notice how you never see The Mitch together with that demented slayer of teens who wears a hockey mask?  Why is that, do you think?  The old man thought, had to be the same guy.

The Pussy-Grabber-In-Chief wasn’t going to be much of a problem for the old man.

So far.  Not yet.

1 comments on “Zombie Apocalypse (Day Two)
  1. JDW says:

    I like to think of myself as a rebel, just because it’s true. But I never once imagined a year of house arrest.

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