Rare Snapshot Of Barker Ajax

“Before you do that, something I want you to think about – I don’t mind going back to prison.”

Photo by Carla Perry. 1992ish. Somewhere. Still have the jacket.

Random Notes In Chronological Order

The ancestor of every action is a thought. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

be more afraid of your own conscience than you are of the enemy. if i am wise, it is only that i see my lack of wisdom. (2-21-72)

One has only to stand at a crowded intersection during the rush hour to know the true meaning of “pay through the nose.” (8-9-74)

The opponent is not who you used to be. The opponent is the man you are now.

Never try to pick up a woman who’s sitting with a tattooed motorcyclist. (spring 79)

New women continued to stream into the bar, almost like someone pumping oxygen into a fish pond. I’ll tell you one thing, getting laid at 6 o’clock takes the fine edge out of being in a singles bar at 9. (6/3/82) On a Napkin: THE MAIN PLACE Bar & Grill.

“You have a wolf by the ears.”

On the road Barker sleeps with his clothes on. Nothing worse than getting into a situation with your balls dangling for everyone to see. Exposed. It is rarely a position of strength.

Not necessary you can’t learn from a dumb person. But the odds on that are less than if you went the other way.

“The Queen of Spades, the dapper Jack of Hearts/ Speak Darkly of dead loves, how they were lost.” – Baudelaire. Epigram & great title: Speak Darkly Of Dead Loves. (4/27/91)

“I’ve always been lucky when it comes to killin’ folks.” – Bill Muny. (8/23/92)

She turned out to be married.

Wearing down seven #2 pencils is a good day’s work. – Hemingway. (1/1/95)

“Is that your Dad?”

“What’s left of him.”

No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. – Oscar Wilde

A man needs some kind of code to live by. A line not necessarily drawn in the sand but a line drawn in your head and in your heart. A line you won’t cross. (8/1/1996)

Invisible man? Stranger in a strange land. Brother from another planet. (2007)

Shit got real blurry around 1993

They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds. – Mexican proverb.

Wisdom is everywhere, if you just look for it. Like this sign in the window of a gas station – NOW IS PIVOTAL. (4/2/2010)

My life in a nutshell: black clothes, white dog. (7/10/2010)

GET FLEXIBLE. (8/01/2010)

I like to do what I want to do when I want to do it. Certainly a recipe for success.

Two kinds of people like to kill from a distance – cowards and professionals.

Make greatness a habit, not a goal. (2012)

Got old when I wasn’t looking. Just started to understand aging. You can still do many of the same things you did when young. But the recuperative time is far greater. (4/21/14)

GREY LIVES MATTER. I apologize in advance. Euphoria is hard to control. (11/11/15)

Do you have any idea what it’s like to be self-destructive and turn seventy? And healthy, too. Well, reasonably. Okay, okay, a lot of pain, but still mobile. (12/15/2015) [Wasn’t quite 69.]

He liked it best when they never knew what hit them. Liked it better when they never knew who. (5/8/16)

Let’s just say, she dropped the baton. Weaponizing distrust. Merchants of doubt. And then he eats their brains. (11/9/16)

“I’m not trying to get you sexually aroused.”

“Don’t worry; you’re not.”

If you are bad enough long enough, some shit might just work out. (Christmas 2016)

His big dog asleep in the kitchen, cool on the marble tile floor. He snores so loud, sounds like an Evinrude outboard on a cold winter lake. (2017)

Be kind to everybody, make art, and fight the power. – Colson Whitehead

My life transmuted by fantasy. Like living in the middle of a Shakespeare play. (2018)

My dog identifies as a service animal. Violent agreement. Leadership is a lifestyle. Pre-posthumous joy. (Summer 2019)

On a good day, the old man felt like Matthew McConaughey in a Lincoln commercial.

Don’t believe the hype. Especially your own.

Suppose I outlive my wife? We both worry about this.

Waiting for trick or treaters. Halloween 2019.

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