Theme Music On The Occasion Of An Anniversary

This is us in our back yard. Back in that first year.

All the time,

all the time,

I have music in my head,

and I am thinking,

what is my theme song?

Two Riders
Were Approaching
 When The Wind
Began To Howl
I have nobody
crazy enough
to talk to
So, I am
asking you
Am I
the only one
who wonders
what his theme song
should be.
And who
should perform
I think you’re crazy,
crazy like me
every since I was little
looked like fun
So, I asked the young redhead.
Have to be careful
what you ask some women
She told me
I have three songs.
Three songs she told me
Let’s go with survival.

Gotta get off, gonna get
Have to get off from this ride
Gotta get hold, gonna get
Need to get hold of my pride

When did I get, where did I
How was I caught in this game
When will I know, where will I
How will I think of my name

When did I stop feeling sure, feeling safe
And start wondering why, wondering why
Is this a dream, am I here, where are you
What’s in back of the sky, why do we cry

Gotta get off, gonna get
Out of this merry-go-round
Gotta get off, gonna get
Need to get on where I’m bound

When did I get, where did I
Why am I lost as a lamb
When will I know, where will I
How will I learn who I am

Is this a dream, am I here, where are you
Tell me, when will I know, how will I know
When will I know why?

Wife and Pomeranian actual size. Hagrid has NOT been photoshopped.

I spent my whole life trying to figure that out.

It’s right there, in the theme from “The Valley Of The Dolls.”

How will I learn who I am?

Meanwhile, I can’t help wondering, what are the other two songs?

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