Where is He?

Every single nest of leadership has gone over the edge.

The White House, Congress, the Governor, the state legislature, the county commission, the home owners association…

Don’t forget our local Sheriff’s department, the fire department and the school system.  That’s just officialdom.

We can forget Fox News and Sinclair and Facebook.  They can be ignored.


OMG, the HOA not so much.  The board’s big goal is to “restore tranquility.”

Which means anonymous informants, roving security, radar guns and stricter laws.

No laughing.


Reading the paper, I saw a summit was planned with “an authoritarian leader of a rogue state.”

Finally, truth seeps through the Art of the Double-Talk.

Which leader is being investigated by his own justice department?

Who is dropping bombs on Syria without Congressional approval?

Obviously, an authoritarian leader of a rogue state.


But I’ll be honest.

Don’t have the nerve to stand up to my HOA.


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