Portrait of The Artist as A Middle-Aged Dog

From December 28, 1988.  Had a birthday just a few days earlier.  Didn’t know shit about getting old.

Much more knowledgeable today.

I hope I die before I get old.  I don't want to change who I am really. 
And to live until I was forty, I'd have to change the person I am. 
I'd rather be dead.

Who said that?

If you guessed Peter Pan,
you're wrong.
A street kid named Frenchie said that.
Read this quote in the daily paper,
so it must be true.

Not that it is anybody's business
but I turned forty-two (42) Saturday.
To Frenchie, forty-two sounds aged,
perhaps even deceased.
That's two-hundred-and-ninety-four (294) in dog years.
No bones about it.

Frenchie is twenty years old.  20.
I have a tan corduroy sport coat
with leather patches on the elbows
older than that.
It still looks nice.
Hell, I still look nice.
Parts of me
are practically unused.

Understand I'm getting older,
and it truly doesn't seem so bad.
It's like being
your own science fair project.
For instance, I just noticed
grey nose hairs.

And I've considered
the alternative to aging.
Don't care how much money
Elvis and Mama Cass are still getting.
More interested,
how much money they're spending.

I think
Frenchie is missing the point here.
Youth is flexibility
and any street kid -
urban survivalist he is -
you should understand that.
Become inflexible
and life washes you aside
like roadway debris
under a city street sweeper.
Flexibility is not necessarily surrender
and change
change not be death.

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