Worn 2 Pieces

An Epic Tale Of Decline

Barker Ajax continued to work. All this time he’d been trying to write a great novel, a best-seller, something good, something literary.

That was his mistake. All this time he should’ve been trying to write a bad novel.

The Great American Paragraph remained elusive. So typical.

I have that “still alive” quality my wife adores in an older man. Aging is a white-knuckle descent and I love a thrill ride.

Would you rather be safe or free? I can’t go on. I must go on. – Samuel Beckett.

Ask your doctor if you are healthy enough for love. Look for something under your pillow in the morning.

When I was young, I had three goals. Wanted to be a great basketball player. Wanted to be a great writer. Wanted to be a great lover. One out of three ain’t bad. You should see me play basketball.

It’s the cracks in my world that let the light shine. I didn’t text you; vodka did. Old feels like victory.

Lean into the suck. Honor today. Nothing has more strength than dire necessity. – Euripedes.

So confused. Groping for answers, grasping at understanding. Mike Pence can’t be alone in a room with a woman not his wife; Trump solos two hours in the dark with Vladimir Putin. And I supposed to believe this is all normal.

Crippled hands, fused toes, pushups a challenge. But still I push up. Movement pain, pain life. The oars row, but I am fine right here.

Try as you might to put lipstick on a pig, this is one turd you can’t polish. If you are born round, you don’t die square.

Nothing’s over until we say it is. – Roger Stone. I am never The Guy. Just a guy who might know somebody who knows The Guy.

Alternative Credibility. Successful wet work is about ‘the escape.’ They can never know it was you.

In the whole scale of things, many moments weren’t so good. I do not know if I have ever treated any person worse than I have treated myself.

No excuse, I know.

Did you ever have a dream where you talked exactly like Matthew McConaughey and your life became instantly better.

Pretending to be crazy is what keeps me sane. Worked so far. Okay, arguably.  Because you can teach an old dog new tricks.

But you can’t tell me what you see today makes sense. Unsustainable.

A leap of faith over a chasm of chaos often leads to a painful end. Anybody who disagrees with me is an enemy of freedom.

My freedom. And that’s about all that matters.

Is it too late to become a beatnik?

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