A Naive Pink-Cheeked Idealist

Look me in the eyes and tell me it’s gonna all be okay.

I know some shit ’cause I’ve seen some shit. – Professor Nathaniel Burke of the University of Farmers 

This was supposed to be the fifteenth-hundred (1500) piece at jackdogwelch.com. Didn’t write all of them, but most. A few were pretty okay. (Number 1500 with Don Kardong is a fun read.) I am down to the next-to-the-last box of archives. Turns out jdw.com is the new depository for my digital papers and memorabilia. I can hear The Mother Of Dragons now, “Better than my half of the garage.”

Keep hoping some great college might offer to purchase all this crap. Nobody was more disappointed when The Trump University decided to drop out of the bidding. Which reminds me. Don’t know if all my Trump-voting buddies are still supporting Putin’s Old Orange Pussy (POOP). I first suggested a pre-Donald lobotomy in the late 1980s. Nobody listened. Whatever.

And you Trump people talk to me about “The Constitution.” The Constitution. The rule of law. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha.

Listening to Republicans talk about American values is like listening to Allan Iverson talk about practice.

Reporter: Could you be clear about your practicing habits since we can’t see you practice?

Iverson: Anybody tell you that I missed practice… If, If, if a Coach say I missed practice, and y’all hear it, then that’s that. I mean, I might have missed one practice this year but if, if somebody say, ‘He doesn’t come to practice,’ it could be one practice. Out of all the practices this year, that’s enough… that’s enough to get a whole lot started.

If I can’t practice, I can’t practice man. If I’m hurt, I’m hurt. I mean … simple as that. It ain’t about that… I mean it’s… It’s not about that… At all. You know what I’m saying I mean… But it’s…it’s easy … to, to talk about… It’s easy to sum it up when you’re just talking about practice. We’re sitting in here, and I’m supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talking about practice. I mean, listen, we’re talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, we talking about practice. Not a game. Not, not … Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game like it’s my last. Not the game, but we’re talking about practice, man. I mean, how silly is that? … And we talking about practice.

I know I supposed to be there. I know I’m supposed to lead by example… I know that… And I’m not.. I’m not shoving it aside, you know, like it don’t mean anything. I know it’s important, I do. I honestly do… But we’re talking about practice man. What are we talking about? Practice? We’re talking about practice, man. [laughter from the media crowd] We’re talking about practice. We’re talking about practice. We ain’t talking about the game. [more laughter] We’re talking about practice, man. When you come to the arena, and you see me play, you see me play don’t you? You’ve seen me give everything I’ve got, right? But we’re talking about practice right now. We talking about pr… [Interrupted].

Reporter: But it’s an issue that your coach continues to raise?

Iverson: Man look, I hear you… it’s funny to me too, I mean it’s strange… it’s strange to me too, but we’re talking about practice man, we’re not even talking about the game… the actual game, when it matters… We’re talking about practice.

It’s still gonna be okay, right?

And in 1972 or so. Maybe ’72, I wrote this. Actual and true. Written on yellow legal pad, hand-printed in blue ink. I recognize the handwriting. True.

How does one avoid sounding like a naive pink-cheeked idealist with America such as it is?

(Forget the rest of the world; cleanse thine own house first, to coin a phrase.)

I’m sorry, but… well… it just seems so very fantastically incredible to me that so many of our people starve to death while our (?) government forks over horrendously huge subsidies to farmers NOT to grow food.

Or that our national budget provides fourteen (14) times as much money for defense as it does for education.

Or that American women spend more on cosmetics than the combined GNPs of all of Africa’s emerging (to what?) nations.

Or that seventy-three percent (73%) of the U.S. citizenry favors immediate withdrawal from Southeast Asia yet Tricky-Sicky Dicky continues to spend $187,000 to kill a single (1) Viet Cong irregular.

Or that J. Edgar Hoover just celebrated his forty-seventh (47th) anniversary at the helm of the FBI.

It could get worse. No, really, it could. I could mention Attorney General John Mitchell. See? Easy.

It could get worse and does, but why?

We kick one malicious son-of-a-bitch out of office… we choose the best man, supposedly… supposedly because the best man – or even a good man – never even gets close. And, besides these days who is to say even what’s good or what’s bad anyhow?… Meanwhile, we chose the best man supposedly, and fourteen (14) minutes after taking his oath of office, he reveals his actual lizard self and we’re right snack-dab back up to our necks in shit again.

What the hell? Why? Huh? Why?

I mean, really, it’s almost enough to make you quit believing in the Tooth Fairy.

Different wars, different leaders, same old excrement. Still talking about practice.


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