Fifty Shades Of Q

Being in the minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad.

There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the world, you were not mad. – George Orwell

Q appeared to the crews of several Starfleet vessels and outposts during the 2360s and 2370s. As a consequence, all command level officers in Starfleet were briefed on his existence thereafter. One such briefing was attended by Benjamin Sisko in 2367. (DS9: “Q-Less“) Q typically appeared as a humanoid male, though he could take on other forms if he wished, and was almost always dressed in the uniform of a Starfleet captain. (VOY: “Death Wish“)

In every appearance, he demonstrated superior capabilities, but also a mindset that seemed quite unlike what Federation scientists expected for such a powerful being. He had been described, in turn, as “obnoxious,” “interfering,” and a “pest”. However, underneath his acerbic attitude, there seemed to be a hidden agenda to Q’s visits that often had the best interests of Humanity at their core.”Either leave or finish us!
Temper, temper, mon capitaine; I’m merely trying to assist a pitiful species.“– Captain Picard and Q2364 (“Encounter at Farpoint“)

On a planet called Brax, he was known as “The God of Lies“. (DS9: “Q-Less“)

In the 22nd century, Q had “some dealings” with the El-Aurian Guinan. These encounters resulted in strong antipathy between them. (TNG: “Q Who“)

When temporarily rendered Human by the Q Continuum, Q claimed to possess an IQ of 2005. (TNG: “Deja Q“)

Q is a fictional character in the James Bond films and film novelisations. Q (standing for Quartermaster), like M, is a job title rather than a name. He is the head of Q Branch (or later Q Division), the fictional research and development division of the British Secret Service.

Four legs good, two legs bad.

Q, a presumably American[ individual that may have later grown to include multiple individuals, claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States. The account has falsely accused numerous liberal Hollywood actors, politicians, and high-ranking officials of engaging in an international child sex trafficking ring, and that Donald Trump feigned collusion with Russians to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the ring and preventing a coup d’état by Barack ObamaHillary Clinton and George Soros. “Q” is a reference to the top-secret Q clearance.

Everybody gets a free kegerator.

Q will never let them take away your right to be stupid and gullible. God gave you those rights.

It says so in the Constitution.

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Only Q has the key.

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