The Last Thing You Do, Don’t Look Back

Guy, young guy,

asked me a question.

How do you know

when you’ve won?


If you are still friends with

with best strangers met decades


and they know you

and they still like you,

you may be okay.


you haven’t met

all that many stranger strangers.


If you are married happily

to the best person you have ever met

and you don’t say that

cause you love her

you say that because it’s true

and that’s why you love her.

Count yourself a winner.


If you still got all

your marbles, like today

when you wondered

why Medicare wouldn’t pay for your golden finches?

And your running shoes

Cost about the same of your first car.



Like a tack.


Of course, there’s always, you know,


The last thing you do, don't look back

The last thing you do, don’t look back.

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