Did You Really Benefit From…?

Don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from. – Jeff Van Gundy

Did you really benefit from…?

Daylight Savings Time.

Ancestry.com. Facebook. Turns out I am a white man with no friends.

Slam dunk intelligence about WMDs in Iraq. How’d that go?

Friends like this. The Saudis took from us both the World Trade Center and Khashoggi.

Tax cuts for the rich, super-rich and words-fail-me-we-can’t-even-believe-how-rich they are. How did that work out for you?

Trickle-down economics. Too poor to own an umbrella, you’d think we would’ve sensed some moisture. But no.

The lottery. Old enough to remember when the numbers racket was run by the Mafia, I realize your chances of winning are about the same whether you have a ticket or not. Not taking any chances myself, I have a ticket. Just wish the money actually went to enhance public education.

Oil company subsidies. For this we get ad after ad telling us how BP has saved the Gulf Coast. Promos about a cleaner future.

Doubtlessly, tax-deductible.

Deregulation of  Wall Street. Hope you got more profit out of that than I did. Decided myself to invest in tax-free cash poker games. Less of a gamble.

Capitalism. Is not bailing out the miscreants while going into debt on the backs of the great unwashed as you fund the military-industrial complex.

Tariffs. When you absolutely positively can’t do anything else to curb rising wages.

Socialism. Medicare and Social Security and farm subsidies and bailouts and Medicaid and a bunch of other stuff you’d hate to lose.

The War on Drugs. A bunch of black folks have lost years and sons and the right to vote. White folks, too. Most of Kentucky.

Privatized prisons. Let’s just put it this way, justice should not be administered through the prism of profit.

Draining the swamp. Hahahaha and the horse Roy Moore rode in on.

Climate change denial. The Mueller Report. Game of Thrones?

Militarized police. Local sheriff has a helicopter, a speed boat and a tank. And half the county’s budget. Who protects us from him?

Arming teachers. After my kid gets done with his active shooter drill, I’ll teach him how to survive a cross-fire.

Children in cages. If you wanted to create a generation of bilingual mass murderers, this might be the way to do it.

Talk of impeachment. Two words – Mike Pence.

Activist right-wing judges. I can hardly wait.

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