Learn To Sail Your Own Boat

In life, there is no failure, only unwanted results.

Most people feel upset or sad because of the results not being what they envisioned in life, business or even poker. The key is that we will all experience this through out our life. You must find a way to deal with it in an empowering way.

Your brain usually focuses on negative experiences and references it instantly. Understanding the negativity bias of the brain, it takes an extra effort to internalize positive experiences and heal negative ones.

When you focus on a positive experience you are correcting a neurological imbalance. That’s why people are attracted to drama and majority of people live in negativity. It takes a conscious effort to make you focus on a positive experience.

When you have a positive experience today, help it sink in to any negative experience that you have in the future. When negative material arises, bring to your mind any emotion and perspective that will be the antidote to that negative material.

Don’t be attached to the outcome. Only worry about things you have control over. Everything else you worry about is a waste of energy.

Just remember – a sail boat in the middle of the ocean faces winds from different directions, as long as you control the sail, you can reach your destination regardless. That’s the way you should think of yourself. 

Remember that everyone has winds of uncertainty or doubt. As long as you focus and make every setback a motivation for a comeback…nothing can stop you from achieving your goal!

Never Give Up!! 

– Sam Chauhan

I like to open most pieces with a sage epigram to spark a thought. After reading what Sam had to say, the thought that sparked was, what the hell, I am still on vacation. I highlighted the important part and called it quits. A wind at your back usually is good.- JDW

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