Behind Door Number Four

Maybe you could spend less time promoting yourself and more time being yourself. – Barker Ajax

Emery Blagdon and his Healing Machine

Four score and seven years about all you can hope for. From what I can tell. So your life basically comes down to four twenty-year blocks. Think about it. Buddy just turned sixty and asked, what now? What next? Well, right now, you just congratulate yourself for making it this far and declare victory. That’s your past.

What’s next is your future which can come at you slowly or come at you fast. I like to bob and weave myself but that’s a weak strategy. Suggest you move forward aggressively. Maybe change your hair style.

This is me cutting to the chase, because if I have to explain it to you, then you won’t understand.

Henry Moore said, “To be an artist is to believe in life.”

Saw two tales of two widely different men and I knew instantly – after watching each documentary six times – how I was going to spend my next twenty years.

Pearl Fryar

Emory Blagdan

I decided the last seven years of my life is when I’ll begin to become posthumously beloved.

The song’s the same, buddy, just slowed down.

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