Second Amendment Sanctuary (We All Be Crazy)

The Bill of Rights is the United States. The United States is the Bill of Rights.

Compromise the Bill of Rights and you dissolve the very foundation upon which the Union stands. – A.E. Samaan

The Feds put me here in witless protection. Somebody, please help! I’m begging you. They know where I live.

Hernando County is a ‘Second Amendment sanctuary,’ commissioners declare

Gun shop owner and Commissioner Steve Champion spearheads the resolution.

Words by Barbara Behrendt Music by DJ OGWildDog Published Dec. 18

Hernando County is the latest

to declare itself a Second Amendment sanctuary

whatever the fuck that is

and did so at the urging of county Commissioner Steve Champion,

owner of American Gun and Pawn shop in Brooksville.

Who the hell could see that comin’?

Commissioners unanimously approved

we all be crazy

the resolution on Tuesday.

Champion acknowledged it had “no teeth,”

like his oath of office,

and was mostly “ceremonial.”

Like his understanding of public service.

Sorry, was that hurtful?

Hernando joins other communities in Florida

we all be crazy

and around the nation

we really really all be crazy

that want to highlight their support

for the right to bear arms,

the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

“Of course,” Champion said, “all of the Bill of Rights are important.”

Of course, said Stevie.

But yours are much easier to enforce

when you are the one holding the gun

shop and the commissioner’s chair.

Commissioners quibbled over the resolution’s wording.

If you don’t actually have

personal quibbling experience,

you will find these, I laugh,

public servants on YouTube,

The Quibble Channel.

Commissioner John Mitten voiced concern

about the term “sanctuary,”

as it has referred to communities

that didn’t enforce certain rules

regarding undocumented residents.

Champion wanted to mimic

the wording used by other communities.

Better he should mime than mimic.

Two weeks ago, Citrus County adopted the same designation.

Three weeks ago, that county Commission refused

to pay the county library’s subscription

to the failing New York Times.

Champion has taken heat –

in a figurative sense – for efforts

to demonstrate his support

for gun ownership,

which some see as promoting his business.

Some saw it.

Some criticized his recent suggestion

to seek federal funding for

a long-distance gun range

on public lands in the county.

Some spoke up about the facts.

The idea has not gone further

than the investigation stage.

Oh, yeah, please, investigate that.

I did it,

you saw me do it,

now exonerate me.


we all be crazy.

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