Right Matters

Because right matters. Because the truth matters. Otherwise, we are lost. – Adam Schiff

For the ninety-eight United States Senators with one. Sorry, Marsha & Lindsey.

I am The Captain of My Soul

By Nideesh

I decide what i am to be
never would be the one
who would be held down
by the chains of time
no man, no fear
no superstitions, no tears
would pull me down
into where i came from

I need nothing
nothing, but my soul
nothing, but my will
nothing ,but myself
to take me up
to where i have to get

don’t matter what it takes
or what i have to do
even the torments of hell,
the fierce winds,
the raging tides,
I would withstand them all

I would destroy an army,
an army of a million lies
walk over the failures
like men who never give up
n climb over mountains
of difficulties,
break trough the dams
of uncertainty,
face the darkness
just to be who i am

I am the captain of my soul
and i decide my fate
I choose to be what I am

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