Yo, Semite!

If Trump was working for Putin, what would he be doing differently? – Barker Ajax

Post-Traumatic Trump Stress Disorder (PTTSD) is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s like when you take too much Viagra and your boner won’t go down for eight hours and by now you’re all alone. Perfectly fine to contact a medical professional. Make sure she’s in your network.

Admittedly appropriated from the legendary Steve Starr on Facebook. And embellished to such an extent even his attorneys will be mesmerized.

Many, many people have told me that bigly, you know that, don’t you? Everybody’s saying that.

Who really is this Donald who seems too stupid to take a shit? And who – when he does – thinks he is doing God’s work??

And demands applause? With his little tiny hands and his portly jowls.

The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.

The “very stable genius” who wondered if injecting disinfectant would be a good idea.

The scholar who hides his college grades.

The “businessman” who bankrupted ten casinos and lost over $1,000,000,000.00 in ten years.

The “playboy” who pays for sex.

The father who ogles his own daughter and wishes well an alleged child molester.

The “virologist” who knows more than Dr. Fauci and all the other experts.

The man who “might’ve become a scientist” promotes a doctor worried about demon sperm and alien seed.

The “leader of the free world” who said he “fell in love” with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.

The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.

The Commander-in-Chief who committed treason by turning a blind eye to Russian bounties on our soldiers.

The “unifier” who calls white supremacists fine people.

The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.

The “patriot” who dodged the draft five times.

The draft dodger who knows more than his generals.

The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.

The “President” who takes no responsibility.

The “tough, strong” man who wears makeup and hairspray.

The golfer who cheats on his score card.

The “deal maker” who has yet to close a deal.

This is the President of the United States who claims he’s making America great.

If only he can fix it and everything is broken, what are your chances of survival?

Did you ever stop to think maybe it’s all a con and you might be a victim?

It is what it is.

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