The Beginning Of The Bell Lap (Episode Seven)

Bob Hodge’s Serial Running Novella

The one, the only Bob Wischnia

New Year’s Day 1980

Runner’s World magazine organized a National Running Week in California, and I had been invited to participate. I had spent three of the last four years running 25 miles on New Year’s Day from the Eliot Lounge in Boston to a house party in Scituate, which also happened to be my current abode. I was kind of sad to miss that run and was not really feeling in a racing frame of mind, coming off the fall cross country and road-racing season. What I really wanted to do was go into hibernation in my training camp in Scituate Harbor and later in Florida. I planned to drive south in January.

My possibly only chance to make an Olympic Team was still calling, however, and this event might help with that goal. I had just begun what would be a rocky relationship with newly formed Reebok USA; one of their representatives, David Jenkins from the United Kingdom, would be there at this Running Week, and I was to meet with him. Also, the week would get solid media coverage – a great opportunity to promote the brand. There were many panels with different coaches and athletes, yoga instructors, purveyors of wonder vitamins, and so on. It was a real confab—the beginning of huckster promoters and Svengali coaches catching the running-boom wave.

I would get to mingle with many great runners and athletes and compete in two races: a 5-mile road race and a 15K track race. I was more motivated for the 15K, perhaps because it was a unique event to be held on the track at Stanford Stadium on New Year’s Day. Essentially though, I was already looking forward to heading south soon in my ’69 Mustang and building my fitness.

Why Florida? Well, I had no experience with altitude and didn’t have any contacts in altitude places. I also knew Bill Rodgers, Tom Fleming, and others would be available running mates in Florida. My former college coach George Davis put me in contact with his brother in Clearwater, and so I had a place to stay with his young family for some indeterminate amount of time while I prepared for the Marathon Trials in May.

A few days before leaving for California, I did a track workout outdoors on a frigid afternoon, running five repeat miles in 4:50. I did the workout in my new racers, Reebok World Ten’s; although they felt great, I began to develop a soreness in my heel area.

December 29th—Got up at 7 and went for 8 mile runout around Jamaica Pond. Had a quick shower and some coffee and then Frannie took me to the airport. Sat with Patti & Joe Cat on the plane. Arrived in CA at 1 and went for a short run at 2:30. Heels have been bothering me since last week’s workout on the track in the Reebok World Ten. After run and shower went to sit on a panel with Herb Lorenz, Randy Thomas, and Grete Waitz at 4. Went out for dinner, had a few beers, and went to bed at 11, zapped.

December 30th—Decided to skip morning run and just relax and ice foot. I have had a hard last four weeks of running, and the little aches and pains are catching up with me. I plan to take it easy the next few days and run a fairly hard one in the 15K Track race at Stanford Track. This afternoon is the 5-mile race, which I just plan to run through.

I traveled to Palo Alto, California, on Saturday; I sat with Patti Dillon on the plane (always a pleasure) and her former husband. The 5-mile road race was the next day. I intended to just run it, and I ran 24:10 only because it was a bullet of a course. I finished way back and didn’t give it much of a thought until Bob Anderson asked me later if I had been sick. I bit my tongue and held my thoughts, which were not kind.

December 30th—continued. Ran 24:10 at the five miler, faster than I wanted but felt good. Grabbed a sandwich and went to the Awards Ceremony. Went with Bob Wischnia from RW to his house for a hot tub and then later out for Mexican food. Felt tired; went back to room and watched Rocky 2 on TV, asleep at midnight.

I had one day before the 15K, and I ran 11 miles in the morning around the Palo Alto hills with Randy Thomas, Tom Fleming, Amby Burfoot, Tom Derderian, and Dave Murphy. In the evening I went out alone for another 8- miler.

December 31st—Got up at 8 and went for 75-minute run up and around Stanford with Randy, Tom Fleming, Amby, Tom Derderian, and Dave Murphy. Wore my rain suit, and I was really too warm. Felt heavy in shoulders and heavy legged. Went out for a big breakfast afterward and went to a program on yoga for runners. Bob Anderson of RW asked me if I was sick after the five-mile race performance on Sunday. I think he is a bit sick.

The 15K track race is bound to be a disaster for me tomorrow but possibly a good workout. Went out for an 8-miler in the evening; felt a bit better than this morning. Ran a bit much for the day before a race but the psych just isn’t there for this race. Probably should have gone a bit easier the last few days; not looking to run anything stellar, just a hard workout.

The race was on 1 January 1980 and provided a good start to the year. As the race developed, Dick Quax of New Zealand started pulling away on the first lap with his eye set on records. Martii Kiilhoma, a Finn, ran in second a ways behind, and I led most of the rest of the pack in third. I tried to maintain 70-second laps, but I drifted off the pace a bit. I felt good but not super confident, so I let them go.

With a few laps remaining, I nearly caught Kiilhoma, but he pulled away again on the last lap and ran a Finnish record. I came in third in 44:00, which was a short-lived American Record. Bill Rodgers had run 43:39.8 previously, but because the paperwork had not been finalized yet and the Runner’s World event was ratified first, I briefly held the record.

January 1st—Went out and played it fairly cool last night. Went to a sort of dull party. Had about 7 or 8 beers and hit the hay around 1. Got up at 8 this morning and went for coffee with Tommy D., Amby, and TF. Ran 3 miles out to the Stanford Track and ran 15K in 44:00, good for third and a new AR or is it? Happy with this run; was not expecting much. Went out for many beers afterwards and Jacuzzi at Bob Anderson’s house. Went to Marathon Clinic in the evening.

The next day I had an early morning meeting with David Jenkins, who I had already briefly met a few days before when he gave me some Reebok spikes. We met for breakfast in the hotel where I was staying, and from the get-go this guy was a ball of fire, talking a mile a minute. I sat there and took him in. He was very pleased I’d raced the 15K in the new spikes he gave me, and as we ate breakfast, he shared with me one incredible story after another.

Jenkins was a European Champion in the 400 meters and an Olympic Silver Medalist who later spent seven years in prison on drug charges.

We both ate a very substantial breakfast, and when the waitress came to remove our plates, she asked, “Will there be anything else?”

Jenkins said, “Yes, I would like that again, please; how about you, Bobby?” Well, never one to turn down an eating challenge, I said, “Sure, me too.”

January 3rd—Got up at 9; first real solid night’s sleep this week. Took it easy all day, icing foot, resting, and reading. I did go out for a ride with Tommy D. and Joanie Benoit to San Gregorio and walk by the ocean, which is beautiful. Last night was the Nurmi Awards Banquet. Came right back to hotel after and hit the hay about 10. Not being able to train normally is making me crazy here amongst all of these great runners. I need to get over this bump in the road and be patient so my buildup for the Trials will go smoothly.

January 4th—Did not accomplish much last two days, resting and icing my heel. It seems all I have been doing is eating. Went to the indoor meet at Cow Palace. The week has been productive overall, just being here with all of these different runners and getting their feelings and vibrations on everything.

January 5th—Up at 8 went for run with Patti & Joe Cat. Went for 32 minutes; heel felt good. I called Bob Davis in Florida to check in and let him know my ETA. I am excited now, raring to go after a few days off and an easy week of running. When I get to FLA, I will have 5 weeks to prepare for Japan. Catching an afternoon flight back to Boston.

January 6th—Arrived back home last night and stayed up late, drinking beer with Frannie and Stevie Calder at home. I slept until noon, and then Frannie and I and Stevie went out for an easy 8-mile run. My heel feels pretty good. I feel confident that I will be back to heavy training soon. I need to tie up a few loose ends and then head to FLA.

January 8th—To sum up last three days… Frannie was down Friday-Monday and I took her home this morning. Yesterday Jean Duvoisin came over and brought some Reebok Luggage for me. We spent the day talking things over, situation with Reebok, etc. We went out and bought a slide projector so that I can work on a presentation while I am down in FLA. Frannie made dinner for Jean and I, and we went through his many running slides, choosing some for my show. Today I made some phone calls and packed up the Mustang. Tonight having dinner out with Sharpless and Steve.

Racing with Randy Thomas

As I loaded up the Mustang for the trip to Florida, I thought about just how much I enjoyed having this car, like a cowboy and his horse. I had never been overly into cars, but this one was special for some reason; it had many firsts attached to it. Sharpless drove a Mercedes 280 SL, a 1967 model, and it was a beauty. I drove it on many occasions, and it had immense power and handling over anything I had experienced. I suppose at the time having a car meant freedom, especially after doing without for a while. Sharpless was like an older brother—the older brother I had lost in Vietnam. He got to know my family when I invited them to Scituate and from the Eliot Lounge. Sharp was a character, part Jackie Gleason with a big heart.

I left Scituate and headed south with just a few maps and no solid plans to stop at any places in particular. I would drive until mid-late afternoon each day and try to find accommodation where I would have a place to run. At this point, I will let my journal tell much of the story of my trip and my first few weeks in Florida as I prepared for a race in Japan.

January 9th—I had a nice dinner last night in Boston with Sharp, Steve, Vinnie, Brad, T.L., and Don Facey. They all wished me luck for my trip to Florida and Japan. I got up at 7 this morning and ran six miles; heel is still sore, so it was a struggle. I had some coffee with Guy and Sharp and then hit the road. It was an OK trip down to Brunswick NJ, which took about 6 hours for the 300-mile trip. I went out for a 30-minute run and then swam in the pool until exhaustion and then Jacuzzi. Feel pretty good but anxious about the heel. I called my Dad for a chat, then went to the restaurant for dinner: chicken pot pie, salad, and tea. I hit the hay early.

January 10th—I got up at 8:30, packed up, and left at 9:30. Mostly uneventful day; made it down to Richmond VA. I went for a half hour run; heel sore; iced afterward. Plan on running just 30 minutes the next few days. Staying at a Holiday Inn; had corned beef and cabbage for dinner. Tomorrow plan to leave early and hopefully make it at least to Georgia.

January 12th—Drove all day yesterday from Richmond VA to this Holiday Inn at Jackson Beach FLA. 650 miles. I made pit stops in Florence VA for breakfast and someplace in South Carolina for apple pie and ice cream. Also stopped in Savannah GA for a cheeseburger, apple pie, and ice cream. Went for a walk on the beach when I got here, and had a beer in the lounge. Then I lay around icing my heel; asleep at 10.

Got up at 8 this morning and went for a 6-mile run on the beach. I wore an old pair of Nike Boston racers and heel felt good on the sand. Went for a swim in the ocean after the run; temperatures very warm, too warm for the rain suit I wore. I did some stretching and calisthenics and iced my foot. Called Bob Davis and told him I expect to be in Clearwater by around 6 tonight. I will try and run on the beach as much as possible down here to keep the pressure off the heel. Having big breakfast omelet, then heading out.

January 13th—Drove from Jacksonville to Clearwater, leaving yesterday at noon. It took about 5 hours. I met Bob at a Bennigan’s Pub, and we had a beer and then went back to his place for a spaghetti dinner. Today Bob took me on a tour of the area, showing me some preferred places to run. The beach at Dunedin is 6 miles away. It is a very nice area and should be fine for running. Bob and his wife are very nice and have opened up their house to me. I am going for a short run in a while to test out my heel.

At this time I had become very worried about my sore heel, as it seemed to be becoming chronic. This was a time when I felt very alone, not having access to physical therapists or resources to help with injuries that naturally occur with athletes. If I were in a truly professional sport I would have that kind of support, but it was just another part of the struggle, the battle going on within me day in and day out.

January 14th—Went for an hour run last night; felt good. The weather is very humid, and I am trying to adjust; it will take some time. Bob and his wife have two young children who are adorable but can also be a pain. I fear I have disrupted their lives. Went for 5 miles this morning; heel sore. Icing, relaxing, and planning another run tonight. I will need to settle into some routine for the next four weeks at least.

January 15th—Went out for second 6-mile run yesterday afternoon; heel was sore. Went out to a sporting goods store with Bob and picked up some heel cups. I tried them out this morning and they feel great; best my heel has felt in a long while. Later ran 1 hour on the beach barefoot at a good clip. We had some veggie burgers and potatoes and corn for dinner and some tea.

January 16th—Weather continues warm and beautiful; went 5M this morning and then 1 hour barefoot run on the beach. Very hot out there with the sun beating down; nice jump in the surf afterward. I had some salad and bread and a couple of beers for dinner. Hit the hay at 10.

January 17th—Up at 8; went for 5 miles; hay fever allergies becoming bothersome. I wrote some cards and letters and in the evening ran at the beach for one hour. I talked to Jean on the phone this morning, and he says they are getting some brutal weather back home. Jean went over my mail with me and is forwarding some papers down here.

Jean Duvoisin was the person responsible for getting me matched up with Reebok. He was also the owner of New England Runner. I had not known him long, but we had become friends and he was acting as a sort of agent for me in my dealings with Reebok. Later, in 1981, Reebok wanted to renege on my contract, which they had verbally agreed to extend. I wrote a letter to Paul Fireman and made some remarks regarding Jean and what I felt was his lack of knowledge of athletics and how he might not be the best person with whom they could consult. I felt Jean got me involved with Reebok, sold them on me, and then hung me out to dry. Fireman gave the letter to Jean, and he never spoke to me again. I was young, still learning the ways of the world.

January 19th—Went for 9 miles on the beach; I wore light-weight Reebok trainers and had some irritation on the side of the heel, not the same spot as has been bothering me. Probably the tendon. Went out for pizza and beer last night with Bob and his wife. Hit the hay at 11:30.

January 20th—Went out for 5.5-mile loop on my own and then ran it again with Bob for 11. Went to the beach later for one hour run barefoot. Frannie called, and it was nice to hear from her. Had some cabbage rolls, crackers and cheese, and beer and watched the Stupid Bowl. Later went out for a walk and hit the hay at 10.

January 21st—Got up at 8; went for 5-mile run; heel was sore. Allergies also bothersome with breathing. I got an oil change on the car today; it is running good. Made some phone calls, took a short nap, then run on beach. Training going well. If I can get over the hump with this heel injury, I should be good for Ome.

January 22nd—Got in an hour run last night on the roads; felt good. Weather is warm 75 and drier than usual. Got up at 8 this morning and went 5 miles; felt sluggish. Last three days mileage and allergies combined to knock me low. Heel seems to be much better; planning longer run this afternoon.

January 23rd—Got in 11.5 miler last night in 75 minutes; felt tired, somewhat expected. Very windy today, so working a bit harder. Up at 8:30 this morning; had coffee and went out for 10-miler in 64 minutes. Felt stiff legged; light rain and very humid again. Heel good, with occasional twinges.

January 24th—Went out for 67 minutes last night; felt a bit stiff but much better than the morning run. Had lasagna for dinner and ice cream and a beer. Weather has turned considerably colder. Went for 52-minute run this morning and wore my rain suit. Coolness feels good but allergies still bothersome. Heel better.

January 25th—out for 75-minute run last night; felt OK. Legs still a bit sore and heavy. Had chicken, rice, and green beans for dinner; also ice cream and a beer. And tea. Frannie sent me down some cookies; I shared with others. Went out for 5-miler at 8 today; warm and humid.

January 26th—Got in 10-miler last night; felt good. Had some potato mushroom cheese casserole for dinner. Went to bed at 10 but did not sleep well due to allergies. Out at 9:30 for 11-mile run; weather humid but felt not too bad. Wish I could get rid of this allergy. Someone called from Japan last night after everyone had gone to bed. I was in a fog talking to the guy, some publicity person from the papers.

January 28th—Got in 2-hour run yesterday; 130 miles for the week. Feeling pretty good; allergies bothersome. I spoke with Jean D. from Reebok, hoping to get some things straightened out. Frannie called yesterday but I was real tired and not expecting her call and kind of slept through it. I will call her again today. Went for 5-miler this morning; legs tight and heavy from yesterday’s effort.

January 30th—Went out for 7-mile run Tuesday morning; felt OK, legs still tight, and allergies still a pain; very bothersome. I’ve got my arrangements set for Japan; I am leaving Miami on the 11th of February. I did track workout at Clearwater HS track; very similar to the Dracut [Massachusetts] HS Track. I did 5x mile repeats, the first three in 4:42; very even splits. I had trouble breathing due to the allergies; weather warm and sunny. Bob came over and timed me.

I woke up a bit earlier than usual this morning and ran 7 miles; felt heavy in shoulders and arms; had a bit of diarrhea last night and feeling a bit weak. I had a cheese omelet for breakfast and went shopping at the Clearwater Mall for something decent to wear in Japan. Meeting Bob for lunch.

January 31st—Went for 75-minute run last night; felt fairly well beat. I had some tuna fish with cheese sandwiches for dinner and a beer and tea. Up at 8:30 today and out for 7-mile run; very humid; felt tired. I have been pushing it but will relax my training a bit next week. Reebok sent down some shoes and a warm-up suit, which is cool, so I don’t look like a bum in Japan. I had some French toast for breakfast and just finishing some letters while sitting down on the beach.

February 1st—Went out for 10-miler last night; it was raining lightly and much cooler. Ran for 64 minutes. Went out for 7 miles this morning at 8:30; wore warm-ups. Went out for breakfast omelet. Allergies bothersome but training is going well enough. I weighed in at 120 lbs. yesterday and pulse rate 56 in the afternoon.

February 2nd—Went out for 10 last night; felt OK. I had some problems sleeping: coughing and allergies. Went out at 8:30 this morning for 10 miles; much colder and windy. Planning another short run at 2 and then a visit to a bird sanctuary with Bob and Cindi. Later out for pizza & beer.

My training there in Clearwater went well, but it can be a drudge at times just being in this new environment, a stranger in someone else’s home—just me and my twice-per-day habit. Some days I would take the Mustang for a ride up the coast and just crank the tunes on my cassette player. Supertramp: Breakfast in America—Take a look at my girlfriend, She’s the only one I got, Not much of a girlfriend, I never seem to get a lot….

February 4th—Got up at 9:00 yesterday morning and went out for 20-miler. It was very windy and quite a tough run in 2:15. I spent the rest of the day with my feet up, eating up a storm. Leftover pizza while watching the NBA All-Star Game and later macaroni and cheese and beer and ice cream etc. Frannie called, and she may come down here in March for a visit. Nothing much new at home. Got up at 9 this morning; went for 5-mile run. Plan on a bit easier week.

February 6th—Got in 14 Monday and 15 on Tuesday. Feeling pretty good. Heel tendon is a bit sore again, probably due to the shoe switch and a different torque or area of stress. Got up at 8:30 this morning and went out for 7.5-mile run. I am planning on a track workout this afternoon, depending on the weather and how my heel is feeling. It is rainy and warmer; very humid.

I talked with Bob Wischnia from RW yesterday; I may go out and run Bay to Breakers again. Wisch says he has some good pictures from the 15K track race at Stanford. I am really getting excited for my Japan trip now and only hope I can hold myself together and run a good race over there. I talked with Tom Fleming on Monday night, and he has been doing well, just fighting a cold.

I am feeling similar to my days in Seattle in winter of ’78, making the best of the situation. Perhaps I will move on when I return from Japan; just biding time and putting in the miles. The situation here in Clearwater isn’t the greatest, and I might be better off being more independent; it would be more productive. My hosts have been great, so I am making the best of it.

February 7th—Got in good track workout yesterday, it was very windy but warm. Five repeat miles, avg. 4:48. On Tuesday afternoon run, the tendons on the side of my heel began to get sore. Wednesday morning it did not feel too serious. During the track workout I felt a few warning twinges but no significant pain. This morning on 5-mile run, it did not hurt too badly. On the afternoon hour run the heel began to ache last 2 miles. Very discouraging, as I am leaving for Miami tomorrow and Japan on Sunday. Tomorrow and Saturday I will run only 5 miles each day and take it from there.

Other than that feel quite well and fit; just trying to keep spirits up.

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