In Defense of Sha’Carri Richardson

Legalize all drugs. Let everybody have as much as they want whenever. Dope ’til you explode. – Barker Ajax

Yo, yo, yo. It’s these Non-Binary types that worry me.

And, of course, being woke as I am, I know it’s wrong of me to feel this way.

Many, many people say sumpin’ has be done ’bout ladyboys running the eight hundred meter races for women.

Not sure I could be as classy as Ajee Wilson.

There I said it.

Oh, wait. Never mind.

Something has been done apparently and I don’t even know what it is.

The estimable Caster Semenya not running at the Tokyo Olympics.

The Powers-That-Be introduced new rules to level the playing field.

I cannot explain the rules, involves knowledge of hormones and stuff.

Don’t understand the rules.

Following Her Bio-Mother's Passing, Sha'Carri Richardson Returns To Th –  BOTWC

Like Jerry Schumacher, I have never heard of a pork burrito.

But I do possess modicum of insight vis-a-vis the cannabises.

Marijuana is bad for children, we agree.

Not a performance-enhancing drug (PED),

Unless maybe you play tenor sax in a jazz ensemble.

And so,

in defense of Sha’Carri Richardson,

Suppose she had a pistol in her pants.

If they had found her in possession of an AR-15,

would she have been allowed to compete in Tokyo?

Asking for a Sandy Hook parent.

And a Parkland parent.

And a dancer at the Pulse nightclub.

And a penitent in a Baptist church.

And what about canceling Dr. Seuss?

Get vaccinated,

wear a mask

if you are brave enough

and keep your eyes on the prize.

Hot enough for you?

She did it,

she apologized,

she pled guilty as charged

and is serving her time.

I respect that.

Now let’s change the rules.

End the filibuster.

It’s like taxation.

People should pay their fair share.

Including billionaires and the Weisselberg Organization.

Many, many people are calling it that.

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Trump takes his own name off his own building. That’s how it ends.
Happy Independence Day, America.

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