Critical Race Theory Illustrated (True Detective)

This is a world where nothing is solved.

Someone once told me, time is a flat circle.

Everything we’ve ever done or will do,

we’re gonna do over and over and over again. – Rust Cohle

“But they can hang you slower.”

Critical Race Theory says nothing

about the marked increase

in rural crime

as subscriptions to True Detective declined.

The seamstress always swings twice.

Why the coverup?

What else aren’t they telling us?

I thought you said you were a personal trainer.

Why has nobody noticed the actual criminals

on the cover of ever single True Detective

always a smoking hot lady of a certain pale hue.

That’s white privilege.

You’ve Been Warned

I am scared to read Passions Payoff Is Death.

“What happens when naked flesh asks for naked steel.”

That is your idea of a come-on?

Enough to make you want to kill somebody.

Just takes that little push, you know.

Hell In Paradise is like old age in Florida. Picture this chick in fifty years.

I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution.

We became too self-aware; nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself.

We are creatures that should not exist by natural law.

– Rust Cohle ‘True Detective.’

Derek Chauvin is The System.

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