Bigger Better Bacon Cheddar

A recent survey or North American males found 42% were overweight,

34% were critically obese and 8% ate the survey. –  Banksy

Oh, you like cheeseburgers?

Ok. Look at this thing.

That bun is a cheddar bun.

That creamy cheesiness

spread under the bun

is also cheddar. Then we got

crispy fried onions

and Applewood smoked bacon.


what’s that deliciously dripping

down the American cheese?

Bacon jam

is what it is.


we have fun,

but when it comes

to cheeseburgers,

we don’t mess around.

“According to the surgeon general, obesity today is officially an epidemic; it is arguably the most pressing public health problem we face, costing the health care system an estimated $90 billion a year. Three of every five Americans are overweight; one of every five is obese.

“The disease formerly known as adult-onset diabetes has had to be renamed Type II diabetes since it now occurs so frequently in children. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association predicts that a child born in 2000 has a one-in-three chance of developing diabetes. (An African American child’s chances are two in five.)

“Because of diabetes and all the other health problems that accompany obesity, today’s children may turn out to be the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will actually be shorter than that of their parents.

“The problem is not limited to America: The United Nations reported that in 2000 the number of people suffering from overnutrition–a billion–had officially surpassed the number suffering from malnutrition–800 million.”
― Michael Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

Found poem from advertising copy on a Wendy’s newspaper insert.

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