How Can I Prevent Abortion?

I locked myself out of my car next to an abortion clinic…

It was really awkward asking them for a hanger.

8 Abortion Prevention Tips

by Amy Otto 4/6/2015 for The Federalist. [Really.]

Sarah Silverman recently shared some rape prevention tips. Here’s some for preventing abortion.

Sarah Silverman recently found humor in sharing these rape prevention tips. It appears that, from her perspective, rape can be ended by simply training men to follow these simple tips.


What would Silverman say if we talked to women this way about abortion?

Since 1973, the United States has hosted more than 57 million abortions. The last yearly total was about 1.06 million per year. The average cost of a first-trimester abortion, according to Planned Parenthood, can be up to $1,500. Based on that data, we could not only save lives but save $1,590,000,000 a year in unnecessary expenses. All we need to do is follow these eight abortion prevention tips.

1. When encountering a man, consider evaluating whether he is worth spending your time and energy on before you have sex with him.

2. If you plan to have sex, use birth control.

3. Nothing says confident, decisive action like needing more than 20 weeks to decide on an abortion. You’re halfway there, just finish the job.

4. There are plenty of families who would happily take care of your child. If it is inconvenient for you to stop yourself from having an abortion, visit an adoption agency.

5. If you plan on having sex with someone who makes you consider annihilating your own offspring, don’t have sex with them.

6. Consider that even having an abortion requires planning. Apply that same proactive mindset a little earlier and you won’t have an abortion.

7. If you are about to have unprotected sex but don’t want to get pregnant, don’t have sex.

8. Don’t forget, honesty is the best policy. When going out on a date with a man, tell him straight up that you plan on aborting his child. If you don’t communicate your intentions, that man may take it as a sign you plan on having his baby.

Remember: by not following these tips you are contributing directly to a culture that spends approximately $1.5 billion a year on abortions. That’s more than Medicare spends on breast cancer treatment each year. That abortion money could be better spent treating cancer, performing heart transplants, or bringing babies into the world.

We’re Not Laughing at Comedians’ Deranged Abortion Routines

By Maria McFadden Maffucci. 01 November 2018. [Found on Newsmax 9/06/2021, because I do my own research.]

Hollywood stars Sarah Silverman, Michelle Wolf, Margaret Cho, and Amy Schumer have become rich and famous for their over-the-top, profane “comedy.” Since they gravitate toward anything perverse, to say their performances are “cringe-worthy” is being kind.

This certainly best describes their recent political strategy to use distasteful comedy shticks as a means of convincing Americans that “abortion is funny” and no women should hesitate to have one.

At last spring’s White House Correspondent’s dinner, comedienne Michelle Wolf shocked guests when she said that abortion opponents should not “knock it ’til you try it.”

“And when you do try it, really knock it” she added. “You know, you’ve got to get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion. You know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress.”

The joke’s on us.

On her (now cancelled) Netflix show, “The Break,” Wolf celebrated July 4th with a mock “Salute to Abortion” parade, enthusing: “Abortion shouldn’t be a luxury. It shouldn’t be the new ‘I summer in Montauk,’ it should be on the dollar menu at McDonald’s.”

Amy Schumer — now pregnant with her first child — once riffed in her stand-up routine: “I have an excuse, actually, why I’ve been drinking so much. I haven’t said this out loud yet — this is exciting — I’m drinking for two. Thank you, wow. I mean, just for now. Somebody’s being evicted.”

Such abortion “humor” likely offends most Americans, yet it’s entering the mainstream, part of a highly-coordinated movement to change American culture and remove moral qualms about abortion — particularly among Millennial females. While celebrity comedians promote deranged “make abortion funny” routines, celebrities like Oprah Winfrey are endorsing the #shoutyourabortion” campaign, recently lauded in “O” magazine. Both slogan campaigns are part of a trend with a boldly stated goal: to get people to feel good about abortion. Gone are the days when the pro-choice movement said abortion ought to be “rare.”

The public face of the movement is Lizz Winstead (a co-founder of “The Daily Show”) who teamed up with Obama political operatives Arun Chaudhary and Scott Goodstein to launch a nonprofit called Lady Parts Justice League (LPJL).The league sponsors comedy shows and activist events nationwide to galvanize Millennial females into taking action against prolife legislation and legislatures at the federal and state level.

Earlier this year, Sarah Silverman headlined a telethon event hosted by LPJL in which performers acted out a charade against a proposed law in Oklahoma that would prevent baby body parts from being used in manufactured food products. (The law in question was created in response to a claim that a food lab was considering using embryonic stem cells to create artificial flavors.) After the charade, Sarah Silverman yelled out, “if anything has ever made me want to eat an aborted fetus, it’s this law.”

Following another charade performance, Silverman responded again on cue and stated: F****** funerals for f****** aborted fetuses? I would like to speak at those funerals. He lived the way he died. He died the way he lived. The size of a sesame seed with no discerning brain function.”

Common-sense Americans might suspect a con somewhere.

Winstead’s newest partner is none other than porn-star Stormy Daniels, who headlined as the “new face of feminism” at LPJL’s recent star-studded “Golden Probe Awards” in New York’s Town Hall. Margaret Cho, who proudly brags about having an abortion and used sacrilegious humor to post on Twitter “God created abortion,” served as the host. Vanity Fair covered the event and followed up with a favorable profile promoting Daniels.

Winstead’s LPJL is fueling the “Expose Fake Clinics” harassment campaign which aims to shut down pregnancy clinics which offer abortion alternatives, claiming their existence is responsible for the guilt and shame surrounding abortion. This hostile grassroots movement is gaining steam and has attracted liberal heavyweight New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who is using state funds to run a publicity campaign called “Know Your Options” which steers women to abortion providers. Cuomo stated in his press release that he is “combat[ting] the insidious spread of misleading, medically inaccurate information about reproductive health.”

If successful, these attacks will limit women’s access to real choice. Prolife pregnancy centers provide life-saving services to hundreds of thousands of women across the country, of all backgrounds, regardless of their political leanings. At the over 2,700 pregnancy centers nationwide, women can receive pregnancy tests, counseling, accurate ultrasounds with a licensed technician, assistance in applying for government aid, referrals to doctors and maternity homes, diapers, baby clothes, parenting classes, and post-abortion counseling — free and privately funded. But choosing to parent or make an adoption plan threatens the abortion industry’s profits and Winstead’s goal to “Make Abortion Great Again.”

Common-sense Americans ought to rally around pregnancy centers and Hollywood needs to push back against Winstead et al. Aborting an unborn baby was a laughing matter for a sociopath and convicted serial killer, Philadelphia’s Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who, after snipping the spinal cord of a near-term baby who survived an abortion, joked with his staff, “This baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.’”

Do women really want to laugh along with him?

Maria McFadden Maffucci is the editor of the Human Life Review.

Looked him up, so you didn’t have to. From Wikipedia.

Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American former physician and abortion provider and serial killer convicted of murdering seven infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures; he was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure.

Gosnell owned and operated the Women’s Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a venue which was dubbed a “House of horrors” abortion clinic during the trial. He was a prolific prescriber of OxyContin.  In 2011, Gosnell and various co-defendant employees were charged with eight counts of murder, 24 felony counts of performing illegal abortions beyond the state of Pennsylvania’s 24-week time limit, and 227 misdemeanor counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law.

The murder charges related to an adult patient, Karnamaya Mongar, who died following an abortion procedure, and seven newborns said to have been killed by having their spinal cords severed with scissors after being born alive during attempted abortions. In May 2013, Gosnell was convicted of first degree murder in the deaths of three of the infants and involuntary manslaughter in the death of Karnamaya Mongar.

Gosnell was also convicted of 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion, and 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law. After his conviction, Gosnell waived his right to appeal in exchange for an agreement by prosecutors not to seek the death penalty. He was sentenced instead to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Sounds bad when you say it that way.

But here’s my take on this abortion brouhaha.

Nobody is for abortion.

Afghanistan and Abortion

by Tim Miller for The Bulwark.

Briefly, on Afghanistan, since we’ve already been round and round on this one:

I simply cannot square leaving our Afghan partners and fellow Americans behind Taliban lines with a worldview that honors human dignity. To say about Americans who did not get out of the country in time, “Well Tim, they were warned,” strikes me as callous—and also inconsiderate of the fact that these people were caught off guard by the Taliban’s march through Kabul just as much as Biden was, and the same people who want to blame them for getting stuck want to give Biden a pass for it. As far as the Afghans, to cast aside those who put their lives on the line to help us over two decades because they didn’t have the right paperwork or didn’t book the right flight is ghoulish. 

It probably goes without saying that you cannot live a life of purpose and meaning in a country where you must dress a certain way, or else you will get beaten, or raped, or killed. The lives of those we made promises to had value. And some of those people got royally screwed. 

If your answer is simply that we can’t help everyone, I guess that’s true. But at minimum we ought to acknowledge this failure and reflect on whether the richest country in the world could have done better by the people we’ve left to this oppression. 

Michelle Wolf’s Salute to Abortion – ‘Pro-Life’ Is Propaganda Men Use to Control Women

As for abortion, how to address this question goes straight to the heart of my worldview. 

Ensuring that people can live a life of purpose and meaning must begin by respecting and acknowledging the value of the mother’s life. It should go without saying that she deserves the same opportunity to live a purposeful life as anyone else. And too often the treatment of mothers by politicians who claim to be “pro-life” ignore or are actively hostile to this part of the equation. 

But this worldview also recognizes that her baby’s life has value and purpose too. And within the moral architecture I have laid out, this is not a conflict that can be remediated by just erasing the value of one of those lives. 

I understand that some people will bristle to hear me suggest this, given that I’m a man and a gay man at that, so this is not a conflict I have to contend with. I get it. 

Plus this is a deeply personal issue. Part of the reason it’s so personal is because the stakes are high. And do you know why they’re so high? Because deep down we all know that there is something of existential value at stake. 

So no, I am not a woman, nor will I try to pretend to be one or presume to tell any woman how they should think about this or what their opinion should be. But my vantage point is not just based on dogma or ephemera. I have sat next to and held the hands of women who were grappling with the toughest choice of their life: Deciding what to do with an unwanted pregnancy. Together we’ve looked at the ultrasound and seen the being that they might yet bring into the world. A real life. One that has value not because it might someday be Bill Gates or Beyoncé but because it’s a human like all the rest of us. It was a decision that was not just about one life but two. And while the weight of this decision fell on the mother, everyone in the room could feel it.

So if you believe that, as I do, the question then becomes, what should the government do about it?

I was struck by a progressive meme going around over the past few days. It was meant as a troll of the unconscionable Texas legislation, a bill so grotesque that taken to its logical conclusion it would let a rapist collect a bounty if his victim had an abortion at 7 weeks. 


I don’t really think the Occupy Democrats want to trade a six-week abortion ban for offering child care, insurance, and citizenship to a fetus in the sixth week of development. I don’t take this to be a serious proposal. It’s Facebook-level philosophy. 

But I looked at that meme and thought that even though the Occupy Democrats are just trying to own the cons, this position is . . . closer to where I’m at than what is being put forth by either major political party right now. 

Because if you want to foster the meaning within every life you don’t do so with abortion bounties or letting thousands upon thousands of people die because you are in an imaginary Twitter fight with Anthony Fauci.

But you also don’t foster the meaning within every life by having unregulated abortion up to the moment before a child’s birth.

So that’s where we start having trade-offs. Does putting any sort of restrictions in place create a burden on women? Yes. But so does allowing infanticide. When two lives are entwined, there’s no perfectly fair way to protect the rights of both.

And that’s why it is incumbent upon all of the rest of us, especially men flapping our jaws, to mitigate such burdens to whatever degree possible. Sarah Quinlan laid out a series of wonderful suggestions for how we can make changes that support a culture of life and a culture where women are free to pursue lives of purpose and meaning. She cites studies that show many of the later-term abortions are related to domestic violence and depression. A society that genuinely values life should be striving to do everything in our power to address those problems. This isn’t some novel idea: The basic ante for living a life of meaning is protection from abuse. 

And so, it seems to me that an approach that recognizes the child’s human dignity but also the woman’s, that builds a support system around them, both financial and societal, is at least the beginning of an answer. It’s a way to honor and cultivate the purpose and meaning in all of us. 

It’s not a question with easy solutions. My wish and aspiration, if not my expectation, is that we can try to hash it out together, in a way that honors and is respectful of everyone who is trying their damnedest to get it right, while continuing the battle against those who aspire to strip the humanity from all of us.

“Men, I’m sorry. I’m sure this brings up a lot of feelings and thoughts and points you want to make and I just want you to know that’s all very irrelevant,” Michelle Wolf explained.

“As far as she’s concerned, this isn’t about men, so they don’t get to chime in.

“Abortions are a woman’s right,” she said. “I know acknowledging that is hard for some of you, because that would mean you would also have to acknowledge that women are naturally equipped to do the most powerful thing in the world: give life.

“While you guys are naturally equipped to do what? Lift suitcases into the overhead compartment?”

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