Finally realized The Kid wants to be like The Old Lady
Finally realized The Kid wants to be like The Old Lady
but he doesn’t want to do the forty years of hard work to get there.
Like The Old Lady, he doesn’t think the rules apply to him.
Never ever thought that.
Not even the rule says you either born into it
like The Billionaire
or you work to earn it.
Skip that rule
and you are just another snake-oil salesman
spouting delusional gibberish.
The Old Lady may owe Wall Street. The Socialist’s smear campaign of innuendo has a point,
but like Willie Sutton, she just went where the money is.
The Old Lady gets chastised for giving speeches and charging two million dollars.
The Kid cashes in his 401(k) to buy new lawn furniture.
The Kid is OWNED by billionaires. And he hopes they will treat him really really swell.
And he will give them everything.
The Kid reminds me of Johnny Football on Quaaludes.
He’s knows he’s batshit, he knows he’s in over his head,
he knows he should get out of the way but he doesn’t know how.
So, he self-medicated with, what?, downers early, uppers late.
Two credit cards, too confusing for him.
The Billionaire proudly announces he is self-funding.
Well, hell, I should fucking hope so.
The voters are self-funded, too.