Charlie Crist Can Save America In 2022

I’ve proudly served as your governor once before. And, unlike the current governor, I represented every Floridian, regardless of what political party they belonged to or how much money was in their wallet, or even who they loved. – Charlie Crist, the next Governor of Florida

So, anyway, I got a letter from Charlie Crist.

Guessing he knows Barack and Barack gave him my number.

I am not a Democrat nor even a fan of Charlie’s.

But whatever, I am behind Charlie Crist all the way. Might even send him money.

Charlie Crist is transpolitical and he has the record to prove it.

The American Taliban still pretended to be all about responsible governing when Charlie was a Republican.

And as an Independent he tried to save us from Rick Scott. Rhymes with ‘sick rot.’

Unwanted by his former allies, Charlie was welcomed by the Democratic Party.

Because obviously that is where Floridians and Americans must go to save the state and the nation.

Florida and the United States will both be rescued by one victory in one race.

That and a certain Federal espionage case.

This is a DIFFERENT recent gathering of Nazis in Florida on an overpass.

Here’s the letter from Charlie.

It sickens me to have to write this: Recently, a group of hateful extremists carrying Nazi flags rallied outside a conservative conference here in Florida to show their support for Governor Ron DeSantis.

He still has yet to condemn or disavow them.

Unfortunately, this is part of a pattern for Governor DeSantis. He has long been willing to encourage hateful extremists in order to serve his own political ambitions.

Because our current governor has failed to state the obvious, let me be clear: Nazis have no place in our Florida. Period.

The only way to stop DeSantis’ dangerous and divisive brand of politics is to stop it dead in its tracks. I can do that. Throughout my years of public service, I’ve always won by bringing people together. But I can’t do it alone.

I know the people of Florida. As a state, we are deeply committed to respecting each other, our differences, and the common human dignity that binds us together. We don’t just love our country — we love our fellow countrymen.

That’s why I’m so disturbed when I see our governor embracing the MAGA playbook. Whether it’s failing to condemn Nazis, demonizing members of the LGBTQ community, or trying to take away women’s freedom to control their own bodies, it’s out of step with Florida values and it’s wrong.

This November, we can beat Governor DeSantis and send a message that his extreme MAGA style of politics has no home here in Florida. But that will only happen if people of conscience are willing to step up and pitch in.

Charlie will protect women & trans teens & libraries & school teachers. The poor & old people, too.

Email insights: Florida Democrats clown Ron DeSantis’ Donald Trump ‘impression’

By A.G. Gancarski. August 29, 2022, for

Is it time for the Governor to ‘stop the steal’? Trump World thinks so.

Imitation may be the greatest form of flattery, but for Florida Democrats and President Donald Trump, it’s also plagiarism and “copyright infringement.”

That’s the contention of an email making the rounds from the Florida Democratic Party, which uses a Rolling Stone article and various alleged Trump thoughts in its plea to “stop the steal.” The FDP communique borrows the phrase, commonly associated with Republican lies about the 2020 Presidential Election not being legit, to underscore a different kind of alleged theft.

“Trump family dunks on DeSantis: ‘You’re stealing our bit,’” the email asserts.

“Ron DeSantis is blatantly ‘stealing’ Trump’s style and mannerisms in an effort to court Trump donors and challenge the former President. What’s more, sources say Trump finds DeSantis’ impression to be lame and severely lacking in charisma, and spends his time ridiculing DeSantis to his friends and confidants.”

Rolling Stone relied on off-the-record sources to make its argument, albeit with some hot quotes.

“There was this time, maybe a year ago, that I remember him making fun of (DeSantis) for doing similar hand gestures and motions,” one source said. “He called it ‘stealing’ from him and described it as a lame impression of Trump.”

And it’s not just the elder Trump being filched from, the email continues.

Donald Trump Jr. has told those close to him that he has noticed an uncanny pattern: Often he will tweet something from @DonaldJTrumpJr — a culture-war grievance or a burgeoning trend among the online right — and then very soon after, he will see those specific topics incorporated into the Florida governor’s talking points,” the FDP claims.

“This has happened enough times that Trump’s eldest son has come to believe, according to a person familiar with the matter, that DeSantis and his staff likely look to his Twitter account for inspiration and to raid it for their latest policy ideas or red-meat-hurling rhetoric.”

One potential payback, the FDP email notes, could be in when and where Trump announces his run in 2024.

“Trump — who behind closed doors trashes DeSantis as charisma-free — has even toyed with launching a 2024 presidential campaign near the governor’s mansion in Florida, which would double as an obvious effort to troll DeSantis.”

Trump has one senior adviser who knows DeSantis very well. Susie Wiles is expected to lead his 2024 campaign. Wiles, of course, ran the DeSantis campaign down the closing stretch in 2018. Her reward was an unceremonious eviction from the Governor’s political orbit.

Meanwhile, DeSantis ducked a question about whether he was even talking to Trump, his former political mentor whose endorsement he pleaded for, during an otherwise friendly interview earlier this month.

“Well, Brian, to the extent I do have conversations with him, I’m sure the Department of Justice and the FBI would leak that to the New York Times, so stay tuned on that,” DeSantis said cryptically.

I was surprised, nay, shocked!, to see this comment:

Charlie Crist

August 29, 2022 at 1:37 pm

^ False information… right wing propaganda AkA Capitalist grifter propaganda.

There is no accompanying photo. And it’s the internet – who knows if that is the real Charlie or not?

Which is a problem I have long had with Mr. Crist.

Doesn’t matter in 2022. Doesn’t matter.

We must become single-issue voters and the single issue is SAVING DEMOCRACY.

A vote for Charlie Crist for Governor of Florida in 2022 is a vote for democracy in America.

Without which – access to the ballot box and accurate accounting and peaceful transfer of power – there is no freedom.

Ten years ago, what were our politics like just a decade past?

November 8, 2012, I responded to the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.

The Election. Ship it!

I live in the largest swing state, Florida.  Our governor – who was never actually convicted of Medicare fraud – bought his way into office.  Once at the state capital, he proceeded to make voting as difficult as possible for as many people as possible, students, blacks, Hispanics, you know the type.  Democrats mostly. 

Luckily, I am an old white veteran, so I was safe.  Voter suppression seemed to have much the same impact as telling your daughter she can’t date that kid from the other side of the tracks, the guy who drives a motorcycle.

Of course, two days later, our state still doesn’t have the results of the election.  I am guessing that’s because there are still people waiting in line to cast their ballots. Luckily, we had fewer voting days than usual or we’d never get the votes counted.

My handyman is all depressed because now Obama is going to take our guns. “I have a 160-pound dog with 3/4 inch teeth,” I told him. “I don’t need a gun.”  Turns out my handyman doesn’t even own a gun.  But there’s that worry nonetheless. 

I was more worried Romney would come for my wife’s vagina.

Or voucherize my Gold’s Gym membership.

On a positive note, I can now watch television without being bombarded with campaign ads.  I especially hated the ads which were well-known lies, but continued to air.  Jeep isn’t shipping jobs to China.  Obama didn’t eliminate the work requirement for welfare.  Nor did he take $716 billion from Medicare to fund the Affordable Care Act. 

Of course, the pre-lubed catheter ads currently airing lack a certain poetry.

And I want to scream when the guy says, “There’s nothing worse than standing in line at the post office.”  I am guessing there is something worse.

Two days after President Obama’s re-election, Fox News is still all excited about Benghazi and the four Americans who died there.  Obvious tragedy.  No doubt.  But same Foxy folks weren’t nearly this exercised about the 4,486 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2012.  And we never did find those WMDs, did we?.  Slam-dunk, my ass.

Don’t get me started.  I am a registered independent.  Which seems slightly oxymoronic, I know.  Basically, I eschew ideology.  I prefer ideas. 

And I have some strong suspicions.  I suspect greed is not good.  I suspect government is not business.

Corporations are not people.  Money is not speech.  This seems obvious to me.

More obtuse is this:  Congress has a 13% approval rating, yet some 80% get re-elected.  Huh?  My Congressman was opposed by a man who was running for the seventh time and had zero campaign funds.  His big claim to fame was sitting atop a flag pole for a year or two to protest high gasoline prices.  He got 36% of the vote.

Including mine.

Should’ve guessed shit would get worse – if for nothing else, I’d be ten years older – but not this.

If you find my old skinny ass baking in the sun as I wait patiently to exercise my franchise, please see if you can slip me a cold bottle of water.

At least do that.

Crist believes Joe Biden won legitimately in 2020. He also believes in quality public education. Wild, huh?

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