I am America. I am the part you won’t recognize. But get used to me.
Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me. – Muhammad Ali
We’re living in a dumbed-down culture because the education of most people in America is sad and not useful.
There are people who don’t know how to spell, they don’t know how to think.
They don’t even teach kids how to deal with money in school — the one thing you think they would teach in America.
So the fact the people turn to comic books and pornography and other seemingly lower- level things?
I’m not sure they are lower- level, but the reason those things are selling is because of how America is dealing with its citizens.
It’s a symptom: He’s sneezing. Why is he sneezing?
We live next to a pepper factory.
Maybe it’s the pepper!
Words excerpted from a New York Times interview with Walter Mosley. 2/5/2023.
But pepper is black. If it was me, I’d point to the salt.
Everybody knows salt – especially coarse white salt – can raise your blood pressure.
And it’s everywhere. Like sugar. Also white and also bad for you.
Fascists don’t want you free to eat healthy.
But nobody talks about it.