Short story idea. The history, mention everybody. If you do that, how do you keep it short?
title? Change Your Clothes. Premise: a couple having a conversation in the evil stepmother’s kitchen. Not rewarding nor easy. Three good things in a row is all I am asking. Honolulu was good. Then the puppy dies, my jeep explodes and the river is rising cause it’s always raining.
Which eventually makes my girl friend fantasize about me getting a room and a high-paying job in the city. Far away from her.
title? Dress For Work. Premise: acting like a writer. Work in Wolf Haven and feeling like a caged animal most of the time myself.
The dog growled. “I’ll give you ‘grrrr’,” I growled back.
I dress up when I’m alone. A lesson I learned from Katherine Dunn. Wear the hero’s outfit when you write his story.
Title? Scare Male. Another in the vigilante justice series. Angry white male revenge tales against mythopoetic boogiemen starring Brute Gangrich. Premise: killing the old lady who works at the post office.
I applied for a part time job at the local p.o. They won’t give you medical coverage but you can’t get hired without a drug test. Ain’t that the government for you. The old lady can’t do arithmetic and her reading ain’t so good, but she was the only person over the age of eleven in town who could pass the drug test.
Killing her seemed redundant. She already moved like somebody who’d been dead two weeks.