The afternoon of another Stupor Tuesday and the old man had been listening to too much MSNBC. It’s a low bar. His own fault, but at least as addictive as professional wrestling. Grant him that. So, he would switch to Fox News, hoping for a break from the inanity.
Welcome, insanity. ‘Democratic voters have forgotten about those four brave heroes who died in that Benghazi tragedy.’ Three gorgeous babes in tight dresses and some mini-Ken in a red tie and a white shirt and a blue sportcoat. Festive and subliminal. Ironically, the show is called Outnumbered. ‘But to be fair, we can never forget she is the direct cause of all the chaos in Libya. ISIS was born on her watch.’
The black lady says she was surprised to learn the ambassador, one of the four heroes slaughtered in Hillary’s Benghazi tragedy, was a friend of the Secretary. You should see her expression. The camera closes in and the look on her face asks, imagine what she does to her enemies?
The old man turned on some adult alternative, some Alabama Shakes and picked up a magazine.
This is from the New Republic. Bottom few lines of a long article.
Whatever your worries may be about the possibility of a Trump presidency, perhaps you can take comfort, as I do, that the confusion of the Trump supporter is less dangerous than the conviction of the voters who support Ted Cruz. Trump supporters are looking for answers, Cruz supporters already know the answers. A fearful person may be made dangerous, but a cruel person is already there.
– Clancy Martin
The old man thought of his eight-year-old grandchild, Mr. Skip, who coined the phrase Isn’t it ironic?
An Anti-Trump super-pac – Our Principles – is running ads with women quoting some of The Donald’s anti-woman rhetoric. Much of it vernacular. You have to think these guys, this super-pac with the female spokesman, are all about protecting our mothers and wives and daughters and sisters and aunts and nanas. But, isn’t it ironic? These are the same Establishment folks who want to restrict reproductive rights, the same Establishment pols and grandpoobahs who think we should all be heavily armed. They weren’t all about protecting our mothers and wives and daughters and sisters and aunts and nanas before.
We’re gonna make you drive four-hundred miles to see a doctor. And make you come back a day or week later, drive another four-hundred miles. But we promise not to support an outsider who says bad things about girls in public. After all, we have Our Principles.
Back on MSNBC, a curly haired Jewish kid is button-holing voters as they exist the polling place in Ohio.
A nice lady with dyed brown hair, maybe fifty-nine, has always voted Democrat and she voted for The Donald. He will protect us and make America great again.
He talks and thinks and believes what I think and believe, said one guy in a camouflage ball-cap, sticking his head out of a Japanese pickup. The old man wondered if the sad white middle-aged truck driver believed a flat-chested woman couldn’t be a ten. The phrase ‘stunt nipples’ came to mind.
A young woman, not yet voting age and somewhat flat-chested, thinks The Donald is just joking when he says all that misogynistic crap about women.
The old man was registered as Independent. True on both counts. He refused to be in the same party as that lowlife thug in the a-line skirt. And every time Debbie Wasserman Scheitz opens her mouth, there’s just not enough air for the truth.
All he could do is shake his head and go for a walk. He saw some cars with bumper stickers. And he noticed all the vehicles ignoring the stop sign and the speeding limits supported Trump and Carson. The most law-abiding driver, stayed to the right, complete stop, signaled a lane change had on her bumper HILLARY. Isn’t that ironic?
Coming back into the neighborhood, just in front of the guard shack, two signs. Same size. Trump. Sanders.
He knew for a fact, anger is a powerful propellant.
He didn’t think he should stay up late to get the primary results.
Hot air coming from his mouth… hot air coming from his wherever.