Silence Like A Cancer Grows

The old man was known for two talents, wet work and political dark ops.  Cool thing is, nobody knew him for both.  Wouldn’t be prudent.  He was no Frank Underwood.  But he could certainly toss some metaphorical sugar in the gas tank.  Remember when Ross Perot’s daughter’s wedding imploded?  Not an accident.

You’re welcome.

He worked for free and only for candidates who had their minds right.  Helped when good-looking ladies collided with adult libations.  Free food.  They had him at the first meet with the sweetest home-grown papaya, his taste buds cheered.

They painted the picture for him.  Francis Bacon comes to mind, not pretty.  Lies, distortion, disputation and cash has so contorted the electorate, we cannot even enact legislation to keep suspected terrorists from purchasing weapons of war.

In this county, almost every adult receives government funds on a monthly basis – monthaftermonthaftermonth –  and they want a smaller government.  They support the troops but want lower taxes.  They are pro-life and pro-death penalty.  Even worse, have an explanation they think makes sense.

The old man told the assembled half dozen concerned citizens what he thought.

Felt like the candidate kinda got him.  Different place, different time, different genders, they might have dated, you know what I mean.  Off to the side, he thought he heard the aide say, what are we going to do with him?  And the senior advisor replies, “I don’t know but he’s funny.”

I am not afraid of the Muslims or the gays or the African-Americans or the artists or the scientists or evolution or science or even, dare I say it, mary-jane.  More toll roads are not the answer.

The old man encouraged same sex marriage.  They should suffer like the rest of us.  And half are going to get divorced.  Maybe less.  And if they marry each other they won’t marry heteros like what happened to two members of his family.  Did not end happily for anybody.

Let’s say, you’re a human being and you love somebody you can trust, life is better.  We should encourage such bonds.

He offered to write a subtle nuanced synopsis of a suspected opponent.  Opponent was scary, but not in a good way.  Frightening like Freddie Gomert but not that smart.

Little Dannie Webster. 

What comes to mind?

Short bus. 


Career politician

with a lengthy record

of being wrong

on most every issue.

Enemy of middle-class Floridians.

Little Dannie Webster voted to shut down the government as a matter of conscience.  As a matter of conscience, he didn’t think you should get your social security.  As a matter of conscience, he didn’t think Americans should have access to national parks.  But he did vote to bring back the air traffic controllers because his flights got delayed.  Meanwhile, as bridges crumble, guess who is supposed to be in charge of infrastructure.

He may not be small in stature but Little Dannie’s thinking and his disastrously negative results earned him the name.  His hands look tiny, too.

The aide wondered about, well, how do we expose the disaster that is Little Dannie Webster.  Apparently, this is why the old man had been invited.

They didn’t like his answer.  If McCain can blame Obama for problems in the Middle East and Trump can blame Obama for the tepid economy, then certainly we can blame Little Dannie Webster for the alligator who killed the kid from Indiana, that was his district.  Radical Muslim Jihadists on the no-fly list can get a machine gun because of Little Dannie Webster.  He voted for that.

Practically have to be a sociopath to move to a different town and tell folks you care about them.  With a record like Little Dannie Webster.  Has he no shame.  You would not let the man hold your wallet or watch your children.

And you have to ask yourself and of course I haven’t even asked the question but you know the answer is money.  Money.  M-O-N-E-Y.  Little Dannie’s money, not yours.  He is a pawn of the rich, a stooge of corporations and a selfish hyena of a homo sapiens.  He is on his knees for the Koch brothers.

Are you saying Little Dannie Webster is a homo sapien?

I am in no position to say he’s a homo whatever.  I hear things, people talk.  You know how they are.

The old man wanted to be subtle and nuanced.

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