Calves The Size Of Cantaloupes

“Although there are those who have compiled more conservative voting records, Dan [Webster] is a consistent and principled constitutional conservative who is pro-life, pro-marriage, and anti-amnesty. His voting record in Congress fairly reflects the party platform.” –  U.S. Rep. Steve King (Iowa)

For every immigrant supporter of the DREAM Act who was valedictorian, “there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”  Sadly, that Steve King.

And really, what exactly does “pro-life” mean?  Politically, might mean a completely artificial wedge issue designed to appeal to a specific single-issue constituency.  Voters who have clung – for sixty years – to the same party which claims to disdain government interference and defend individual liberties in the failed attempt to restrict the constitutional rights of others.

Webster is not pro-life, he is pro-birth.  His voting record suggests he is anti-child.  Repeatedly, the carpet-bagging hypocrite has voted to cut health care for children, he has voted to deny medical care to expectant mothers, he has voted to cut meals for impoverished children.  He’s a punk, basically.

“Pro-marriage?”  Same thing.  At the very least, same-sex marriage should cut back on all those abortions you are so upset about.

Anti-amnesty?  Nobody is for abortion.  Nobody is for amnesty either.  But this nation was built by immigrants.  It was immigrants who slaughtered the natives and raped the environment and chopped the trees and paved the grass and built the sub-divisions and coffee bars.  We are a nation of immigrants, for immigrants, by immigrants.

“His voting record in Congress fairly reflects the party platform.”  Have you seen the party platform?  You will love it if you are rich.

Unless you have an actual heart.

The racist Iowan Congressman says “a consistent and principled constitutional conservative” like it’s a good thing.  And it can be.  But that’s not who Little Dannie Webster really is.  There is nothing conservative about voter suppression, nothing constitutional about targeting specific religions or arming mass murderers.

Give Webster ‘consistent.’  He is invariably on the wrong side of every issue benefiting working families and the middle-class.

Alan Grayson campaign manager Susannah Randolph issued a statement in which she attempted to turn fire on Webster’s record of social conservatism.

“Sen. Dan Webster has pushed an anti-woman agenda for 28 years in the Florida Legislature,” Susannah Randolph said in 2010. “Sen. Webster sponsored a bill to outlaw divorce, even in cases where women are in abusive relationships, he voted against a ban on insurance companies listing battery as a preexisting condition, and he would require women who are victims of rape or incest to bear their attackers’ child. Women in Central Florida need to be made aware of these extreme views and that Sen. Webster will push an anti-woman agenda if he gets to Congress.”

Which he did.

The Wizard of Oz-If I Only Had a Heart

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