Helping Others Do The Same

People spend their time crying over the loss of Christ, and they don’t really think about the pleasures in life. One of the things I’ve come to see is that people do have a limited time span on earth. Knowing this, it would be well to fill those hours as pleasurably as possible, playing music, getting along with people, eating well, drinking, screwing, enjoying the pleasure of one’s company and helping others do the same.  — Les Blank

Every time Kellyanne Conway opens her mouth to talk, I can’t help thinking of a cartoon snake in the Garden of Eden saying, It’s okay, bite the apple.  Just bite the damn apple.  Trust me, she hisses.

Putin’s Paul Manafort, Corey The Polack, rapacious Roger Ailes and Steve  “Honey Badger don’t give a shit!”  Bannon.  Sadly for the Trump campaign, Charlie Manson remains locked up and thus unavailable to join the team.  Maybe Manson can get a gig on CNN or call in on the phone like Lewandowski.

Did you see the cartoon by Bizarro?  Two businessmen are walking down the hallway of their offices  Each wearing a suit and tie, each carrying a briefcase.  The businessman who is a dog says to the normal-looking businessman, “I got into the human world to find purpose, but this whole thing is just an elaborate version of fetch.”  Ain’t that the truth.

The old man was exhausted.  He’d done ninety minutes on his spinbike, focused on the Olympics.

He was glued to the television in a completely accurate metaphorical sense.  Beautiful young athletic women in bikinis frolicking in the sand; real sweeties killing themselves and anybody else who stands in their way.  Abby D’Agostino running the last mile of the five thousand meters on a “broken” leg.  Walsh/Ross coming back after three consecutive lost sets to capture bronze.  And a world record 400m from the outside lane.

The old man had to admire such courage.  No confirmation – as yet – of the rumor Trump tweeted he preferred Olympians who don’t fall down.

He could fast-forward past the advertisements, although that 86-year-old triathlete nun was rather heartening.  And why was he always most inspired by females.  He let the recording play during the introductions of the ten heats of the Women’s 800m and glanced at the morning paper.  Favorite Florida headline of the day: (Miami) Face-Biting Homicide Suspect Called Gentle.

Later the old man put on a Kevlar haz-mat suit and trimmed the ass end of his huge bougainvillea hedge.  As he worked, dodging sabre-like thorns, he listened to Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five.  Like many of these great athletes, the old man wondered if this might be his last Olympic Games.  And he wanted to get everything he could out of them.  Cherish every minute.

He wrote the word JOY on his right hand to remind him.

And so it goes.

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