
The old man began to think
he’d been looking at all this
the complete wrong way.
White men going to be in charge again
and he was a white man.
Enough to make him a feminist.
He had served his country.
Long enough to embrace diversity.
Had done many, many stupid things.
But he was not stupid.
He was a male.
So much is.
The New Yorker
She was the worst we ever had, the worst, the absolute worst, she was impossible,” Donald Trump told Fox News the morning after his debate with Hillary Clinton, defending his treatment of Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe whom he called “Miss Piggy,” when she gained weight after the pageant, and “Miss Housekeeping,” in apparent reference to her heritage. Watching the debate, the artist Barry Blitt recognized a significant moment in the Presidential campaign. Of all Trump’s dangerous beliefs, Blitt said, his misogyny “might just be his Achilles’ heel.”
A Trumpite had sent the old man an e-mail.  Never actually says anything of his own, just forwards meme and tropes – mopes? -and lies and inaccuracies and distortion.  Conspiracy theories, enough to sink the weaker minds.  Much like the candidate.
Subject: New Medicare Program
You’re a sick senior citizen and the government says there is no nursing home available for you. So what do you do?
Our plan gives anyone – sixty-five years and older – a gun and eight bullets. You are allowed to shoot four Politicians.  Extra bullets just in case you miss the first time.
Of course, this means you will be sent to prison where you will get three meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating, air conditioning and all the health care you need.  Need new teeth? No problem. Need glasses? That’s great. Need a new hip, knees, kidney, lungs or heart? They’re all covered.
As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit you as often as they do now.
And who will be paying for all of this? It’s the same government that just told you that you they cannot afford for you to go into a home.
Plus, and because you are a prisoner, you don’t have to pay any income taxes anymore.
Is this a great country or what?
Imagine the plethora of implicitly errant perceptions.
The old man had been to prisons, the old man had been to nursing homes.  In prison, nothing is covered, not even your ass.  And, just like now, the kids don’t visit.
And right about the time you have almost convinced yourself there’s is no reason to worry, people can’t possibly be that off-target.  About that time when you are up late at night praying, dear Lord, please, nothing else to worry about, there’s something else to worry about.
Like since she gave her plagiarized speech at the Republican Convention, Melania has been quieter than Mrs. Khan.
What do you have to lose, my African-American friends?  What do you have to lose?
Really, isn’t the world better off without climate change?  Think about it.
Let’s not forget high-horsepower Big Ass trucks and eight-year auto loans?
Once we run those aliens out and we get our jobs back.
The old man began to think he’d been looking at all this the complete wrong way.
Compared to floppy-chested Donald Trump, Rosie O’Donnell is a perfect 10.

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