My Next Wife

This piece written on a bar napkin at Friday’s in Boston on April 20, 1983.  My next wife came seventeen years later and she was crazy.  Current wife a young redhead, much smarter than most. – JDW


Silk blouses with puff shoulders

Five-and-a-half at the highest point

Weight depends on size and location

Pretty, pretty much likes herself

But I could fall in love easiest

if she was walking backwards towards me.

Think I might be a butt man after all.

As smart as she has to be…

Much smarter than most.

A redhead.

Appears years younger

Than the sparkly daughter in soap ads.

Looks like a high school cheerleader

Impersonating a librarian

Who carries her own dildo.

Doesn’t smoke or chew gum.

She shouldn’t be crazy.

Just understanding enough

To let me be.

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